
Kenting and Xiaoliuqiu see hordes of visitors as national travel subsidy program is launched

Kenting and Xiaoliuqiu see hordes of visitors as national travel subsidy program is launched


Crowds are pouring into Pingting county’’s popular seaside tourist destinations of Kenting and Xiaoliuqiu, after the government launched a NT$5.5 billion travel subsidy program Friday. Local business operators say crowds on Kenting’’s streets are almost back to pre-pandemic levels. In Xiaoliuqiu, most hotels are booked solid on weekends, and even on weekdays occupancy is at 60% or higher.

Scantily clad young women are handing out flyers, and people respond by snapping pictures of them. Kenting in the holiday season is once more bringing in hordes of visitors. Hawker stalls see long queues of people, and their managers are busy but delighted.

Hawker stall manager
The crowds are so big, it is scary.

Hawker stall manager
Yes, there are quite a lot of people. I’d say it’s at least 50% more than usual.

Hawkers are quite alarmed by the crowds, and the scene of thousands of bobbing heads seems as if they have returned to pre-pandemic levels. Restaurants were also chock-a-block, and saw long queues in the streets outside. With the onslaught of visitors, the health authorities did not drop their guard and continued to promote pandemic prevention on Kenting’s streets.

On Friday, the national travel subsidy went into effect, and it was the first day that people could take advantage of the program. Occupancy rates in Kenting soared to 90%, and hotels in Xiaoliuqiu, another popular seaside tourist destination, had a similar experience.

There’s a big price difference. Our B&B costs NT$3,400, and the subsidy is NT$1,300.
B&B manager in Xiaoliuqiu
On a weekday like today, about 60% applied for national travel subsidies on the first day of the program. "

Xiaoliuqiu’s famous Huapingyan coastal area is full of people swimming and snorkeling. Queuing for a meal takes roughly one hour, and it is even more difficult to book a room during summer vacation.

B&B manager in Xiaoliuqiu
We are mostly full on weekends, and on weekdays it’s no less than 80% or 90% full.

Summer vacation is usually the peak season for Kenting and Xiaoliuqiu. Now that the COVID pandemic is waning and the national travel subsidy program has been launched, tourists are once again out in full force.

國旅補助上路首假日 墾丁大街擠滿人潮






業者被人潮嚇到,萬頭鑽動的景象,幾乎已經回到疫情前的水準。餐廳也都是座無虛席 ,外頭還大排長龍。衛生單位不敢大意,持續在街頭宣傳防疫。







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