
Preorders for iPhone 14 twice as high as last year’s iPhone 13: telecom companies

Preorders for iPhone 14 twice as high as last year’s iPhone 13: telecom companies


Apples’ new smartphone model, the iPhone 14, went on sale across Taiwan on Friday. Telecom companies say interest in the new phones has doubled from last year, when the iPhone 13 launched. They say the most popular model is the new purple iPhone 14 Pro. Some iPhone enthusiasts on Friday said they had been queuing for dozens of hours; some had even been standing guard outside sales outlets since Tuesday.

With the new iPhone 14 in his hand, he beams at the camera. Mr. Hsu works for a mobile phone retailer, and he was first in line to buy the new model for clients. It was a team effort, with 18 employees taking turns queuing over the past three days. It was not only just to buy a phone, but also to get vouchers offered to the first 80 buyers. When the shop started allowing people to formally line up for the new iPhone at 5:30 a.m., buyers rushed to nab a spot.

Mr. Hsu
iPhone buyer
I was very apprehensive, because there are so many reporters. I’ve never been photographed so much before. But of course I’m very happy to be the first one. My colleagues and I have been standing guard since Tuesday, since 6 or 7 p.m.

Hiseh Chi-mau
Telecom company chair
The number of preorders and inquiries is about double of last year. Interest in the iPhone 14 is double that of the iPhone 13.

The iPhone 14 Pro model, which offers a dynamic island function and a deep purple color, has been particularly popular with Apple fans looking to upgrade. The phone model makes up for 70% to 80% of preorders. Telecoms companies say the first batches of some models have already sold out, adding that number of preorders is twice as high as for last year’s model.

Lin Tung-min
Telecom company chief business officer
Preorders became available on Sept. 9. And in the first week, the number of orders was double that of preorders last year. Of course, there will be some issues with the stock of the better-selling models. We have received double the number of preorders.

Ching Chee
Telecom company president
Sales for the first month should be about double from the same period last year. It’s selling extremely well.

Some sellers offered promotions for their first buyers, prompting some to spend the whole night in line.

Mr. Wu
iPhone buyer
I didn’t think I’d be the first in line. But when I came, I realized I was the only one.

Mr. Yen
iPhone buyer
I came at 11 p.m., so I was in line for about 10 hours. I left work, took a shower, rested for a bit, and then came here to queue.

Every year, Apple’s new smartphones get people queuing in long lines all around the world. In Taiwan, lines were somewhat shorter last year due to COVID, but this year, the iPhone craze is back in full force.

iPhone14新機上市 業者祭優惠果粉搶排


蘋果iPhone14新機上市,週五電信業者開放購買取貨,更祭出多項門市排隊優惠,因此吸引不少民眾前一天晚上就到現場占位,搶到頭香的民眾,為了幫客戶代買,三天前就出動公司18位員工輪班排隊。今年整體新機預購量比去年多一倍,最受歡迎的則是14 pro的深紫色。

拿到新的iPhone 14手機,搶到頭香的許先生好開心,主要是來幫自己手機公司的客戶代買,3天前就出動18名員工輪班排隊,除了想快點拿到新機,還要搶前80名的優惠券,業者凌晨五點半開放排隊,名額立刻爆滿。

[[民眾 許先生]]

[[電信業者董事長 謝繼茂]]
“預約的量,還有來詢問的程度,大概是去年的2倍,就是iPhone 14是iPhone 13的2倍。”

最受歡迎的就是14 pro系列,多了動態島和新的深紫色,吸引果粉換新機,占了預購量的7到8成,甚至有特定機種,第一批貨已經賣光光,業者觀察,整體預購量比去年多一倍。

[[電信業者商務長 林東閔]]

[[電信業者總經理 井琪]]


[[民眾 吳先生]]

[[民眾 顏先生]]


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