
Lawmakers Hung Mong-kai and Chung Chia-pin face off in a battle of arm strength

Lawmakers Hung Mong-kai and Chung Chia-pin face off in a battle of arm strength


Lawmakers are showing off their fitness routines! It started with a selfie from KMT lawmaker Hung Mong-kai. The fitness fanatic likes to practice push-ups and weight training in the privacy of his own home. But after his muscles were revealed on Facebook, some said they’d pay for a calendar. Then Mung got into a push-up competition with his DPP colleague Chung Chia-pin. The two have faced off in clashes as lawmakers. But who would win in a battle of arm strength?

It’s KMT lawmaker Lee Guei-Min’s first ever aerial yoga class. She’s not quite sure where to apply her weight, and appeals for help from the teacher. Nearby KMT lawmaker Hung Mong-kai is doing better: he’s up in the cloth immediately, not through skill so much as through muscles honed over many years.

On his 40th birthday, Hung posted a photo of himself on Facebook, showing off his chest muscles and eight-pack. It had 10,000 likes within minutes, and many of his colleagues in the Legislative Yuan were clamoring for him to release a calendar.

Hung Mong-kai
KMT lawmaker
I always work out at home – 120 push-ups and 240 crunches.

Whenever he has time, he exercises at home and maintains his physique.

This time he didn’t reach his own goal of 80 push-ups in one minute. But he managed 67, which seems pretty good! Once in a scuffle in the legislature, Hung pinned DPP lawmaker Chung Chia-pin to the wall, as you see in this photo. We asked Chung to give the push-up challenge a try.

And his bravado is justified! Chung did 71 push-ups in just one minute, breaking Hung’s record.

Chung Chia-pin
DPP lawmaker
I’ve always kept the habit of swimming, on and off. My muscles here are quite developed, because I swim freestyle.

With a lifelong habit of swimming, Chung’s arms are clearly very strong. Lawmakers use exercise to keep healthy and fit for whatever life throws at them. And when scuffles break out among colleagues – well, that’s an added bonus.

立委拚健身! 洪孟楷練成"8塊腹肌"PO網讚破萬





[[立委(國) 洪孟楷]]




[[立委(民) 鍾佳濱]]


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