
Minimum wage bill clears Legislative Yuan

Minimum wage bill clears Legislative Yuan


A proposed bill on Taiwan’s minimum wage has cleared its third reading at the Legislative Yuan. The bill stipulates that the minimum wage be adjusted in line with the consumer price index. The bill has been criticized by labor groups, who say it fails to clearly set a minimum threshold for basic wage increases. They say that as such, any wage hikes could be rendered null due to inflation. Let’s hear from some labor representatives.

Chu Mei-hsueh
Taoyuan City Industrial Association
What we want more is to make sure that wages are always higher than the previous year. We also want a higher pension contribution rate, from the current 6% to 12%.

Ho Cheng-chia
New Kaohsiung City Federation of Trade Unions
It’s the same old wine in a new bottle. There should be clear mechanisms, with concrete values and data points that decide how much the minimum wage should be adjusted by.

Starting next year, companies will face legal punishments for paying wages below the established minimums of NT$27,470 per month or NT$183 per hour. The bill also establishes that the wage review committee will convene in the third quarter of every year, with 21 representatives from labor groups, employers’ associations, government institutions and academia. In addition, companies that set wages below the minimum wage during negotiations with workers will face fines of up to NT$1.5 million and the names of violators will be made public.

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最低工資法三讀通過 勞團不滿未明訂"調幅底線"



[[桃園市產業總工會理事長 朱梅雪]]

[[新高市產業總工會理事長 何政家]]



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