
8-year-old search-and-rescue dog Roger finds the third victim on Taroko trail

8-year-old search-and-rescue dog Roger finds the third victim on Taroko trail


Several rescue dogs have been taking part in the search efforts following last week’s earthquake in Hualien. One of them, a dog named Roger from a Kaohsiung search-and-rescue team, was able to locate the body of a woman surnamed Hu buried in the rubble. When asked about the exceptional canine, his team captain had nothing but good things to say about his four-legged team member.

The Hualien earthquake triggered a large-scale landslide along the Shakadang Trail. After picking up a scent in the rubble, search-and-rescue dog Roger went back to a spot a second time, and finally stopped in place and refused to leave. Only then did the search and rescue team notice that there was a body there, the third one to be found along the popular hiking trail.

In addition to being taught to obey the trainer, Roger has had to undergo search-and-rescue training on high platforms and seaside reefs.

Chen Chih-san
Kaohsiung search-and-rescue dog team captain
Roger is a very independent dog and is very smart. He has a very high IQ and EQ. He is also very active and strong. The dog handler provides him with food, clothing, housing and transportation, including exercise.

Eight-year-old Roger used to be a sniffer dog. He was a lively and active sniffer dog who worked for years prior to being decommissioned in 2017. However, he wasn’t out of the picture for long when he came out a winner at a World Championship of the International Search and Rescue Dog Organization, and was certified at an advanced level. Now he is back at work as a cherished member of the Kaohsiung search-and-rescue team.

Chen Chih-san
Kaohsiung search-and-rescue dog team captain
He was able to locate the deceased, and his movements and behavior were understood by his handler. I think this is quite commendable.

Roger’s agility and speed can be attributed to his daily swimming exercises, which help maintain his muscle strength. The basic training is now paying off, and Roger has developed a good rapport with his handler. The pair now are doing their utmost as they continue in the search-and-rescue process.

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花蓮強震搜救犬Roger立大功! 小時候萌樣.訓練過程曝光





[[高雄市搜救犬隊小隊長 陳志三]]


[[高雄市搜救犬隊小隊長 陳志三]]



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