
Tucheng Elementary baseball team thrives despite adversity

Tucheng Elementary baseball team thrives despite adversity


In Taichung’s Dali District, the Tucheng Elementary School baseball team practices on the cement floor of the school’s basement. Even though they don’t have enough outdoor space for a field, this team has been around for 10 years. While they can occasionally use the municipal field, they normally practice in the only open space they have: the basement. But that didn’t stop this group of young athletes from breaking the school’s record last year by placing sixth in the national elementary baseball championships.

As the batter hits far into the outfield, the player on first base seizes his chance and runs all the way home. Then the opponent’s pass goes off course, allowing the batter to safely make it to third. A string of successful plays brings the score to 9-5.

In this Toto Cup Little League semifinal, young athletes from Taichung fight their way into the championship. Some of them come from Tucheng Elementary, known as the “cement baseball team.”

Making the most of their time outside the classroom, these young players are having batting practice. Since the school doesn’t have space for an outdoor field, they are practicing in the basement. The team now in its 10th year has 34 players, but the school’s space is so limited that they have to practice in groups.

Hsieh Ming-feng
Tucheng Elementary baseball coach
Because we have such limited time and space, we spend a lot of effort making sure the kids stay focused.

Baseball player
Tucheng Elementary
I told my dad that I wanted to play baseball, but the school I was at didn’t have a team. So I changed to this school and started playing here.

Tucheng Elementary’s baseball team started out as a club of fewer than 10 students. But thanks to their consistent hard work, last year the team entered the biggest little league tournament in the nation and earned sixth place out of 187.

Lin Shu-chiu
Tucheng Elementary principal
They give their all at every match, whether they win or lose. Not only are they improving their skills, but they also show excellent sportsmanship.

Despite their disadvantages, the team has worked hard to master the game. Their success in the face of adversity has earned them the title of “cement legends.”

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水泥地傳奇! 台中塗城國小棒球隊勇闖全國賽創佳績






[[塗城國小棒球隊教練 謝明峰]]

[[塗城國小棒球隊球員 林同學]]


[[塗城國小校長 劉淑秋]]



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