
US should recognize Taiwan’s sovereignty ‘today’: former US state secretary Pompeo

US should recognize Taiwan’s sovereignty ‘today’: former US state secretary Pompeo


In an exclusive interview with FTV, former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo urged Washington to recognize Taiwan’s sovereignty "today." Speaking to FTV Vice President Anne Hu, Pompeo said the Biden administration should take a stronger position on Taiwan’s U.N. participation. He also emphasized that when it comes to Taiwan’s security, the critical task at hand was to create a credible deterrence against a Chinese attack.

Anne Hu
FTV vice president
Recently, the U.S. has shown strong support for Taiwan regarding U.N. Resolution 2758. It says that the resolution does not exclude Taiwan from participating in the U.N. system. What are your thoughts on that?

Mike Pompeo
Former US secretary of state
Yes, Taiwan ought to be a member of the U.N. It’s that straightforward. And so I hope the Biden administration will take an even stronger position, not only saying that it is possible, but saying that it is necessary. It would be the right thing for the world, and it would be the right thing for the people of Taiwan.

Anne Hu
FTV vice president
So you do agree that the U.S. government should recognize Taiwan as a sovereign nation?

Mike Pompeo
Former US secretary of state
Yes, absolutely. Because I live it, when I come visit Taiwan. I experience it. It has its own rules, it has its own property rights, it has its own international trade agreements, it is behaving and acting as a sovereign nation so it ought to be treated as such.

Anne Hu
FTV vice president
When will be the appropriate time to recognize Taiwan as a sovereign nation?

Mike Pompeo
Former US secretary of state
I think it’s today. Yeah. I think it was actually yesterday, I think it was some time ago. I think the reality of Taiwan as a free and independent sovereign nation ought to be acknowledged, not only by the United States but by the whole world.

Anne Hu
FTV vice president
In your assessment, what is the worst thing that could happen to Taiwan’s security?

Mike Pompeo
Former US secretary of state
Oh my goodness, it would be that the Taiwanese people refuse to stand up and defend themselves, followed by the world not understanding how important it is that we get this right. It’s not about, “What would you do if China invades?” It is so much more than that. It is, “How is it you prevent the Chinese Communist Party from even contemplating destroying this place, taking away the sovereignty and decency of the Taiwanese people?” That’s the hard work. The hard work happens today. It doesn’t happen the day that the Chinese Communist Party launches a flotilla across the strait. It happens today. And convincing Xi Jinping that the cost of bringing Taiwan under his control exceeds the benefits. And when he does that, then Taiwan will get its rightful place in the world.

Anne Hu
FTV vice president
If China attacks Taiwan, to what extent can the U.S. help Taiwan?

Mike Pompeo
Former US secretary of state
Again, you speak about this as if it’s inevitable. Our task is to make sure that that day never happens, that no one ever has to contemplate what do you do in that moment. That’s the hard work. That’s the place that we should plant our collective flags. In the event that Xi Jinping begins a physical attack on this place, I am very confident that the United States will respond. But it is difficult, it is a hard problem set.

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民視獨家專訪最挺台國務卿! 龐培歐:美國應承認台灣主權



[[民視新聞副總經理 胡婉玲]]

[[美國前國務卿 龐培歐]]
“台灣應該成為聯合國的成員,就是這麼明確,因此我希望拜登政府的立場可以更堅定,我不僅認為這是有可能的 而且是必要的。這對全世界是正確的事,對台灣也是正確的事”

[[民視新聞副總經理 胡婉玲]]

[[美國前國務卿 龐培歐]]
“是的,絕對同意。因為我親身體驗過,當我來台灣的時候,親身感受到台灣有自己的法律,有自己的財產權 有自己的國際貿易協定,台灣在各方面的表現和行動都像一個主權國家,所以為什麼不應該被承認”

[[民視新聞副總經理 胡婉玲]]

[[美國前國務卿 龐培歐]]

[[民視新聞副總經理 胡婉玲]]

[[美國前國務卿 龐培歐]]

[[民視新聞副總經理 胡婉玲]]

[[美國前國務卿 龐培歐]]
“我再次重申,妳說得好像這是不可避免的,我們的任務是確保這一天永遠不會發生,沒有人必須考慮那一刻到來時,該怎麼做,這才是艱難的工作,這才是我們應該團結一致的地方。如果習近平對台灣展開實體攻擊的情況下,我非常有信心美國會做出回應,但這很困難 這是件困難的事,我們靜觀其變”


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