
November likely to be warmest on record as average temperature hits 24.3 degrees

November likely to be warmest on record as average temperature hits 24.3 degrees


As of Wednesday this week, November had seen an unusually high daily average temperature of 24.3 degrees. That’s 1.6 degrees higher than the historic daily average for the month, which stands at 22.7 degrees. If the forecasts are accurate, this month could go down in history as the warmest November on record for Taiwan. The Central Weather Bureau says Taiwan will likely see a drier than usual winter season, with normal winter temperatures. Let’s hear from the CWB.

Chen Yi-liang
Central Weather Bureau
According to our latest assessments, the La Nina phenomenon will continue to have an effect on the weather until the end of the winter season. During this period, it is highly likely that we will see cold continental air masses, and strong cold air fronts, even cold spells.

The CWB says Taiwan will see between two and three cold snaps in the coming winter. That’s in addition to four to five continental cold air masses, and seven to eight cold fronts.

史上最暖11月! 平均氣溫較正常值高1.6度



[[氣象預報中心副主任 陳怡良]]


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