
Hang Kuang tabletop war games kick off

Hang Kuang tabletop war games kick off


The tabletop war games of the annual Han Kuang military drills began on Monday. This phase comprises five days of round-the-clock simulations of possible enemy tactics against Taiwan. It will focus on China’s recent encirclement of Taiwan and incorporate lessons from the Russia-Ukraine war. The goal will be to sharpen the battle command skills of military leaders. Sources say the U.S. is paying close attention to this year’s games, and has sent a group to observe it firsthand.

The computerized war games of the 39th Han Kuang exercises kicked off on Monday. Over the five days of the drill, the chief of the general staff will direct leaders of the armed forces in round-the-clock exercises.

Chang Chun-chih (April 26)
Defense ministry
Our exchanges and training programs with the U.S. and our allies are carried out according to our annual plans

The defense ministry has not confirmed U.S. participation. But sources say the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command is closely observing the computerized drills and will provide feedback afterward.

Chao Tien-lin
DPP lawmaker
Through the U.S. observing our exercises, the U.S. and its allies can develop more pragmatic strategies for deterring a Chinese invasion or a disruption to the status quo in the Taiwan Strait. Military cooperation between Taiwan and the U.S. will only increase, not decrease.

The Han Kuang exercises are closely watched, amid China’s growing threat to Taiwan. Last Sunday, six PLA warplanes and five warships were detected operating in the region. Taiwan monitored the maneuvers with its missile systems.

Su Tzu-yun
Institute for National Defense and Security Research
The U.S. has openly confirmed that it will increase the number of staff deployed to assist with training in Taiwan. This advisory team will grow from 30 to 200 troops. The mutual trust between Taiwan and the U.S. is reflected in the Indo-Pacific defense coalition of democratic nations, particularly along the first island chain. There is now a crescent-shaped coalition spanning South Korea, Japan, Taiwan and the Philippines, which aims to contain China’s military threats.

The tabletop war games will focus on tactics used by the PLA during its two recent encirclement drills targeting Taiwan. The games will draw on lessons from the Russia-Ukraine war to enhance command capabilities at all levels in the military.

漢光"電腦兵推"展開! 模擬中環台軍演態樣




[[國防部訓次室次長 張俊志(4.26)]]


[[立委(民) 趙天麟]]


[[國防院戰略與資源所長 蘇紫雲]]
“美方也公開證實,未來會把在台灣的協訓人員,也就是類似顧問團的規模,從30人擴編到200人,目前台灣跟美國的互信,同時也反應出印太區域,民主國家聯防, 特別是第一島鏈,目前已經變成新月型的包圍網,從韓國、日本、台灣到菲律賓,針對中國這種軍事威脅,已經進行圍堵”


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