
Wholesale price of eggs to rise by NT$3 starting Monday

Wholesale price of eggs to rise by NT$3 starting Monday


Welcome back to our show. Minister of Agriculture Chen Chi-chung addressed recent concerns over imported eggs, saying that all eggs are inspected at the border, and that shipments are destroyed when eggs are found to be substandard. Let’s give it a listen.

Chen Chi-chung
Minister of Agriculture
All these eggs we’ve been importing are randomly inspected at the border by the FDA. If any eggs fail those inspections, they are destroyed. There is no way they would be allowed into the domestic market. In other words, eggs sold in the domestic market have all passed food-safety standards.

However, with the new school year starting and typhoons battering Taiwan, egg supplies have been strained. Officials have announced that the wholesale price of eggs is to be increased in response to the situation. Starting Monday, the per-catty price is to increase by NT$3, bringing it up to NT$53. This will be the first increase since the price was lowered twice in June.

蛋價明起批發價漲3元 陳吉仲指進口蛋有檢疫



[[農業部長 陳吉仲]]


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