
Taipei enacts stabilization measures as prices of some vegetables rise four-fold

Taipei enacts stabilization measures as prices of some vegetables rise four-fold


Prices of cabbage, tomatoes, lettuce and some vegetables grown at high altitudes have risen sharply on the heels of several recent typhoons. The Taipei City Government responded over the weekend by announcing price stabilization measures for eight types of produce. The measures will be in place from Wednesday until next Sunday, but in the meantime, some shoppers have expressed concerns.

Cabbage is NT$85 per catty. Up on the scale, this head of cabbage hits NT$160. The shop owner says the price of cabbage is at a record high this year.

Ms. Lu
Vegetable vendor
I’ve been selling cabbage for a good many years now, and this year it’s the most expensive it’s ever been. One catty once set you back NT$150. Of course, a housewife will find that too expensive.

With one typhoon arriving after another, freshly picked bell peppers are up in price too. Selling for NT$30 per catty only a few weeks ago, now they’ve hit NT$120 -- a four-fold increase. Hothouse tomatoes, too, are up from NT$30 per catty a month ago to the current NT$120. But despite the high prices, shoppers were out in full force, after traditional markets were closed two days for the Ghost Festival.

At Taipei’s Binjiang Market, crowds of people fill the narrow spaces. They fill bags large and small, some weighing down scooters with their purchases.

It’s much more expensive. Nearly everything has gone up.

I am! I’m worried about it. Cabbage has gone up too much.

In response, Taipei has activated price-stabilization measures. From Wednesday to Sunday next week, eight produce items including lettuce and imported cabbage will not see their prices go up, and more than 50 metric tons of produce will be released into market.

Voice of Lu Chuan-li
Taipei Agricultural Products Marketing
There hasn’t been much impact on vegetable-producing areas so far. The average unit price of vegetables is NT$45.5 today, which is relatively stable compared with yesterday’s unit price of NT$50.9. It might be only that cabbage production is down about 50% compared with past years.

With demand for leafy vegetables high, and prices soaring, consumers hope the prices will soon stabilize, so that the impact on their wallets will be kept to a minimum.

市場處要求北農釋出蔬菜 9/6-10日啟動平穩菜價機制




[[菜販 盧小姐]]






[[聲源:北農副總經理 路全利]]


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