
Pingtung family has a beloved pet pigeon who barely leaves the shoulder

Pingtung family has a beloved pet pigeon who barely leaves the shoulder


Parrots are a common pet in Taiwan, but have you ever seen a pet pigeon? Miss Chen from Pingtung’s Changzhi Township has a beloved pet pigeon who barely leaves her shoulder. She takes it on walks to the park, and it understands hand gestures. Her fiance’s father, Lin Tsang-tien, is a pigeon-keeping expert. He explained to FTV how keeping a pigeon is hard work, and you need to start training it on day one.

Ms. Chen
Pigeon owner
I take it out whenever I have time, for walks. It stands on my shoulders. It’s very well-behaved.

It flies up onto Ms. Chen’s shoulder at a hand signal. But this is not an ordinary pet bird. It’s a pigeon, just like the ones you see in the park.

Ms. Chen
Pigeon owner
Nobody keeps pigeons… Suddenly I thought I think I could keep one as a pet!

The little black bird is very smart and friendly, and even follows its owner’s commands. Ms. Chen’s father-in-law-to-be is, in fact a pigeon-keeping expert in Pingtung.

Lin Tsang-tien
Pigeon-keeping expert
You have to start feeding it when it’s tiny, put it on you and give it food, make it follow you around, then it will be constantly getting to know you.

Most pigeons are kept for racing, rather than as pets. If you want a pigeon to know you personally, you need to develop a rapport with them when they’re very young.

Lin Tsang-tien
Pigeon-keeping expert
Pigeons are not as intelligent as parrots. You need them to get used to your voice, the shape and color of you, and the way you move. Then your movements will make them recognize you.

Rarely do we see a pigeon and a person as close as this. But becoming such good friends with the little bird has been a precious and memorable experience for Ms. Chen.

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不是鸚鵡! 飼主養鴿子寵物聰明乖巧還會"認主人"



[[鴿子飼主 陳小姐]]
“有空的時候都會帶牠出去, (就是帶牠出去遛)對啊,牠就會站在肩膀,很乖”


[[鴿子飼主 陳小姐]]


[[養鴿達人 林倉田]]


[[養鴿達人 林倉田]]
“鴿子智商沒有鸚鵡那麼高, (要牠認主)從小要讓牠感受你的聲音,感受你的形狀顏色這些,還有你的動作,這些動作讓牠有個認同感”



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