
MOFA releases photos, itinerary of Vice President-elect Hsiao Bi-khim’s European visit

MOFA releases photos, itinerary of Vice President-elect Hsiao Bi-khim’s European visit


Vice President-elect Hsiao Bi-khim has been on a low-key tour of the U.S. and Europe to boost democratic partnerships. Over the weekend, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs published photos of Hsiao with leaders of the European Parliament, as well as her itinerary in Europe, which included closed-door meetings with two presidential candidates in Lithuania. Observers say that diplomatic affairs that used to be kept low-key are now being made public, reflecting the warming of relations between Taiwan and the EU.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs made public some photos of vice president-elect Hsiao Bi-khim together with political heavyweights from the U.S., Europe and other countries. Among them were Czech Senate Speaker Milos Vystrcil, acting speaker of the Chamber of Deputies Jan Bartošek and others.

In addition to speaking at think tanks in the Czech Republic, Poland and Lithuania, Hsiao met with two presidential candidates in Lithuania behind closed doors. She was also invited by First Vice-President of the European Parliament Othmar Karas to a gathering of more than 30 European Parliament members.

Voice of Hsiao Kuang-wei
Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson
This trip is the first time that a vice president-elect from Taiwan has been invited to visit Europe before taking office. It demonstrates that Taiwan and the EU are partners that share similar concepts and values. At the same time, Taiwan will refine and develop cooperation with the EU in various fields.

Originally, MOFA kept the information about Hsiao’s overseas trip under wraps. It was not until European politicians released photos of the meetings that MOFA followed suit. An observer says that things that had to be kept low-key in the past are now gradually being made public, reflecting the continued warming of relations between Taiwan and the EU.

Voice of Marc Cheng
European Union Centre in Taiwan
Politicians in some countries don’t really care, or they don’t shy away from showing their support for Taiwan and publicly expressing their welcome to Taiwanese who visit their countries. I think this is a clear trend.

The growing friendship between Taiwan and the EU is evident. At the end of last month, the European Parliament passed two annual reports that cover foreign, security, and defense policy. One resolution states that “neither Taiwan nor China is subordinate to the other.”

On March 25, Vice-President of the European Parliament Heidi Hautala and head of the European Parliament’s Delegation for Relations with China Reinhard Bütikofer will lead a delegation to Taiwan and will also meet with President Tsai Ing-wen on the same day.

Observers say Hsiao’s current trip is meant to pave the way for further diplomatic work after her inauguration in May.

Tang Shao-cheng
Institute of International Relations, NCCU
Because Hsiao Bi-khim already has a good relationship with the U.S., I think her relationship with Europe must be strengthened. There will be many foreign guests at her inauguration on May 20. If the quality and quantity of those foreign guests exceed previous levels, then it will show the results of eight years of diplomatic work.

There are many achievements that the Tsai administration made in the last eight years, and one manifestation is the support of Taiwan shown by the West.

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[[聲源:外交部副發言人 蕭光偉]]


[[聲源:歐洲聯盟中心執行長 鄭家慶]]




[[政大國際研究中心研究員 湯紹成]]



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