
‘Democracies are rambunctious places’: former US Secretary of State Pompeo

‘Democracies are rambunctious places’: former US Secretary of State Pompeo


In an exclusive interview with FTV, former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo shared his thoughts about the recent scuffles in the Legislative Yuan, as well as China’s ambitions for Taiwan. The former official in the Trump administration said that having difficult times in the legislature was a normal part of every democracy. He added that there was no doubt that China would try to shape the politics in Taiwan, just as it was trying to do so in other countries around the world.

Ann Hu
FTV vice president
You’re now here in Taiwan for the presidential inauguration, and you must have met President Lai. What did you discuss with him?

Mike Pompeo
Former US secretary of state
Yeah, so I’ve had the chance to get to know him a little bit. I, of course, know the vice president even better, as she was your ambassador to the United States, so I’ve spent much time with her. I think they share a common vision for the people of Taiwan. I think they share a determination to deliver good outcomes. Just as this was a rigorous campaign, a hard-fought campaign, where they made promises to the people of Taiwan, I’m convinced that their sole focus, that the new president’s sole focus, is to deliver on that for the Taiwanese people, and I have great confidence that he’ll do that.

Ann Hu
FTV vice president
Do you have any advice for President Lai?

Mike Pompeo
Former US secretary of state
Oh, goodness, he doesn’t need my advice. He knows exactly what’s required for the people of Taiwan. My only wisdom to each leader that I encounter is to be true to the things you said you would do. I, every day, wake up thinking, like, “What did I promise I would do?” and try your best to deliver that, and when you do, there’ll be tough days, there’ll be rambunctious days, but good things will happen.

Ann Hu
FTV vice president
Taiwan’s parliament has been chaotic lately, and our parliament is controlled by the opposition. Do you think that will affect the Lai administration?

Mike Pompeo
Former US secretary of state
Yeah, oh, yes. No, no, democracies are rambunctious places. Our legislature has been, I think you said chaotic. Our legislature has been difficult too, even during, when I served in the legislative branch, it certainly was. I served in the legislative branch in America when President Obama was there, so the president from the other party, and it definitely shaped his capacity, it presented real challenges for him. And that’s OK, that’s what democracies do. They choose different people for different positions. I’m confident that this new president has been empowered to execute on his vision, and I’m confident he’ll deliver good outcomes.

Ann Hu
FTV vice president
Can China use this situation in parliament to affect Taiwan’s politics?

Mike Pompeo
Former US secretary of state
Oh, I don’t think there’s any doubt that the Chinese Communist Party is intent on shaping the politics here. They’re intent on shaping the politics in Niger, in Ukraine, in America, in Japan, all across the world. No, the Chinese Communist Party is making significant efforts to use not only their United Front propaganda campaigns, but whatever they can do to coerce legislatures all across the world. No, Taiwan ought not think itself unique in this risk. The Chinese Communist Party must be confronted, and importantly, leaders like your new president and leaders who understand this threat from China need to speak unambiguously about that. And when they attempt to interfere in our political processes, we need to both call them out for it, and do whatever we can to stop them.

Ann Hu
FTV vice president
This is your third visit to Taiwan. Can you share your deepest impression about Taiwan?

Mike Pompeo
Former US secretary of state
Well, goodness. So many. First of all, it’s a beautiful place. I’d never had the chance to travel outside of Taipei until my last trip, and had a chance to see other parts of the island as well. There’s still other places I would love to explore. But apart from its natural beauty and its economic importance, the people are just spectacular. They’re so kind, they’re so caring, they’re so hardworking. They care about families, they care about their faith. These are the kinds of people that are the best of America, and I think the Taiwanese people and the American people share a lot of that.

Ann Hu
FTV vice president
I do appreciate this opportunity to have a conversation with you. And I wish you have a nice day in Taiwan.

Mike Pompeo
Former US secretary of state
Thank you. Bless you.

For more Taiwan news, tune in:
Sun to Fri at 9:30 pm on Channel 152
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台灣國會朝小野大陷混亂 龐培歐:當心中國介入干預



[[民視新聞副總經理 胡婉玲]]

[[美國前國務卿 龐培歐]]
“沒錯 我有機會多了解他一點,當然我和副總統蕭美琴更熟一些,她曾擔任你們的駐美大使,所以我與她相處了很長的時間。我想他們倆對台灣人民懷抱共同願景,他們有共同的決心要取得好成果,正如這是場嚴謹的競選,艱難的選戰,他們向台灣人民做出承諾,而我相信他們的唯一目標,新總統的唯一目標,就是向台灣人民兌現承諾,而我非常有信心他將做到”

[[民視新聞副總經理 胡婉玲]]

[[美國前國務卿 龐培歐]]

[[民視新聞副總經理 胡婉玲]]

[[美國前國務卿 龐培歐]]
“會啊,不過民主國家本就是活潑喧鬧的地方,我們的國會也一直都用您的話來說 亂哄哄,我們的國會也一直都不容易,即使在我國會任職期間也是如此,我是在歐巴馬總統時期於國會服務,也就是另一黨的總統,這肯定會影響他的能力,對他構成實質挑戰,但沒關係這就是民主,大家選擇不同人擔綱不同職位,我有信心新總統賴清德,已獲人民賦權實踐他的願景,也有信心他將取得好成果”

[[民視新聞副總經理 胡婉玲]]

[[美國前國務卿 龐培歐]]

[[民視新聞副總經理 胡婉玲]]

[[美國前國務卿 龐培歐]]

[[民視新聞副總經理 胡婉玲]]

[[美國前國務卿 龐培歐]]


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