
AI-powered tool helps doctors boost detection of colorectal polyps

AI-powered tool helps doctors boost detection of colorectal polyps


National Taiwan University Hospital and Cathay General Hospital are taking advantage of a new AI-powered tool that can boost detection of polyps in the large intestine. The tool can help doctors detect problems early, allowing patients to undergo treatment to prevent colorectal cancer. For 14 years now, colorectal cancer has been the most common cancer in Taiwan, killing 6,600 people in 2021.

Thanks to regular checkups and early intervention, stage 1 colorectal cancer can be cured in more than 90% of patients. In Taiwan, about 400,000 people go through checkups for the disease every year. But doctors say that maintaining good quality checkups and high detection rates is no easy task.

Wu Ming-hsien
NTU Hospital
Not all doctors have experience in diagnosing flat or sunken polyps. Doctors most frequently miss these types of polyps.

Chiu Han-mo
NTU Hospital
According to studies from abroad, experts conducting colonoscopies fail to detect 23% of polyps smaller than 5 millimeters.

Doctors say the accuracy of colonoscopies varies depending on the doctor’s clinical experience and their ability to notice abnormalities. Polyps that are very small or located on bends in the large intestine can be easy to miss. To improve detection, National Taiwan University Hospital and Cathay General Hospital collected and contributed more than 3,000 medical records of patients to create an AI polyp-detection tool with a developer. The tool can detect growths at a speed of 30 images per second with an accuracy of 95%. It can help doctors detect adenoma with between 14% and 30% more accuracy.

Chiu Han-mo
NTU Hospital
Overall, for every 1% increase in the detection of adenoma, we can reduce the likelihood of colorectal cancer development by 3% after an endoscopy.

Hung Chih-sheng
Cathay General Hospital
When it’s a small polyp, the AI detection system can circle it and bring it to the doctor’s attention, highlighting it as a potential polyp.

The AI system can help doctors detect polyps and has already been certified as medical equipment by the FDA. Hospitals say they will test the tool to see whether it does indeed improve the quality of analyses. To prevent severe disease, doctors advise people aged 50 and up to go for regular fecal occult blood tests. If the tests come back positive, seek medical help as soon as possible and get a colonoscopy. Waiting for a long time can allow polyps to grow and become cancers, making treatment more complicated.

全新"AI 瘜肉偵測系統" 早期發現治療大腸癌




[[台大醫院院長 吳明賢]]

[[台大醫院健康管理中心主任 邱瀚模]]


[[台大醫院健康管理中心主任 邱瀚模]]

[[國泰醫院消化內科主任 洪志聖]]


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