
US state secretary Blinken warns of impact of war in Taiwan Strait on global economy

US state secretary Blinken warns of impact of war in Taiwan Strait on global economy


In an interview on CBS program “60 Minutes,” U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that a war in the Taiwan Strait would be devastating for the global economy. He said that, as Taiwan produces most of the world’s advanced chips, a war would disrupt production, which would impact the world’s tech supply chain. He added that the U.S. continues to adhere to its “One China” policy, but is concerned that China is taking actions to change the status quo in the Taiwan Strait. In Taiwan, one analyst said he believes Blinken’s words serve as a warning for China that its own economy would be destroyed if it were to attack Taiwan.

The output of Taiwan’s semiconductor sector is astounding, reaching one-fourth of worldwide output last year. This has not gone unnoticed by the U.S., which is pouring investment into Taiwanese semiconductors.

Antony Blinken
US secretary of state
One of the reasons we are not investing so heavily in our own capacity, to produce semiconductors here in the United States. We design them, but the actual production is done in a handful of places, and Taiwan produces most of them. If that’s disrupted, the effects that that would have on the global economy, could be devastating.

Blinken warned China not to act rashly, saying that to do so would be bad for the global economy. Blinken recently met with Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi, during which the two discussed their positions on cross-strait relations.

Antony Blinken
US secretary of state
We had a conversation about our different approaches to Taiwan, and I reiterated what the president has said. Our continued adherence to the “One China” policy, our deep concerns that China was taking actions to try to change that status quo, that’s what the issue is.

The U.S. is concerned that China could destroy peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. U.S. President Joe Biden has also reiterated on four occasions that the U.S. would send troops to Taiwan in the event of a Chinese attack. Now Blinken has also brought up Taiwan’s semiconductor industry, which one Taiwan analyst has interpreted as a warning to China.

Wang Chih-sheng
Cross-Strait Policy Association
I think it’s intended as a warning and a threat. The U.S. is now actively pushing its CHIPS and Science Act, which has already put pressure on China’s supply chain. For Beijing, the growing international support for Taiwan has left it feeling helpless.

The analyst believes that in the face of continuous U.S. support for Taiwan, coupled with the implications of war for China’s economy, China is unlikely to use military force against Taiwan.

布林肯受訪強調 「台若遭破壞 對全球經濟毀滅性影響」


面對中國對台灣的一連串挑釁作為,讓美國國務卿布林肯看不下去,他接受CBS訪問時,特別強調 台灣若遭到破壞、將對全球經濟產生毀滅性的影響,同時也擔心中國嘗試改變台海現狀,對此學者認為,布林肯這番話對於中國具有顯著威嚇作用。


[[美國國務卿 布林肯]]


[[美國國務卿 布林肯 ]]


[[亞太菁英交流協會秘書長 王智盛]]


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