
Kaohsiung mayor Chen Chi-mai opens mini funfair at campaign headquarters

Kaohsiung mayor Chen Chi-mai opens mini funfair at campaign headquarters


The campaign of Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chi-mai has an unusual gimmick. They’ve opened a mini funfair right outside their campaign headquarters! Visitors to the HQ can take a ride on the carousel before going home. The team says they want moms, dads and grandparents to feel free to bring the whole family down for the afternoon.

The carousel spins a child on a white horse. Nearby a train runs in small circles. A tiny funfair has appeared on a Kaohsiung street – with an unlikely sponsor.

Su Sheng-wei
FTV reporter
The carousel and these funfair facilities have appeared on Kaohsiung’s Fengshan District. It’s like a tiny amusement park. But it’s actually the campaign headquarters of Kaohsiung City mayor, Chen Chi-mai.

The mayor used the space around his headquarters to create this mini amusement park, with the carousel, tiny train, flying car and pirate ship. Adults and children are equally welcome.

Kao Min-lin
Spokesperson for Chen Chi-mai
Mayor Chen wants to create a campaign headquarters for the city’s residents. So all Kaohsiung residents, whatever their age, whether parents or children, anyone, can come and have a wander around our HQ. There are some public spaces indoors and also this kind of amusement park outside. We welcome our moms and dads, grannies and grandpas to bring their children along to play at our HQ.

The campaign aims to be welcoming for families. Many passersby think a campaign HQ with a funfair is a novelty.

Member of public
I’ve never seen a place have something like this at election time, not in all the years. I’ve only seen it here. It’s quite special.

Member of public
It’s great. Fun for adults and children. There’s more of an atmosphere, lots of people, it needs to appeal to people.

Chen’s team hopes that with a funfair right on their doorstep, the election can be a relaxed and even enjoyable affair.

旋轉木馬.小火車... 陳其邁鳳山競總變身遊樂園




[[民視記者 蘇晟維]]


[[陳其邁競選發言人 高閔琳]]
“陳其邁市長希望能夠打造一個市民的競選總部,讓所有的高雄市民,不分年齡, 不分親子,大家都可以來我們的總部走走,不只室內有一些公共空間,戶外也會有像這樣的遊樂設施,歡迎我們的爸爸媽媽,或是阿公阿嬤帶小朋友,來我們競選總部玩”





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