
Childcare industry faces labor shortage as childminders retire

Childcare industry faces labor shortage as childminders retire


The profession of childcare is facing a labor shortage. Childcare has been an aging industry for some time. Now more and more childminders are retiring, and experts say a crisis is looming. The Peng Wan-ru Foundation is dangling big subsidies in front of new childminders who enter the business. And the government is also relaxing rules for childcare agencies, in the hope of tempting more people to give it a try.

Looking after small children is a difficult job. Families with two parents working full time can struggle to find a childminder. That sometimes means one parent giving up their job to care for the child.

Lee Yi-hua
At first, I had two children going to kindergarten. I looked through so many jobs, and sent off so many resumes, to find a job that could fit with the schedule I had to pick up and drop the kids off at kindergarten. But none were suitable. In the end, I applied to become a home childminder, so I could earn a stable income while looking after my children.

Working and raising children simultaneously is tough, but now a new childminders’ alliance is giving new childminders professional classes so they can start their own businesses.

Chuang Tzu-hsuan
Childminders’ Alliance member
When I worked at a childcare center, it felt like just doing a job. They take on more children at the center than they should, but that didn’t make my wages go up.

At first, Chuang Tzu-hsuan worked alone. Her friend Yu-ching would often pop in for a chat and enjoyed helping so much that, eventually, the pair became a business duo.

Chuang Tzu-hsuan
Childminders’ Alliance member
Parents have been telling us that they want to find a younger childminder, someone who’s easier to communicate with.

The childminding profession is aging. Only 40% of childminders are under the age of 50. The 60% who are 50 or over are approaching retirement soon. There are 27,000 childminders now; in 10 years, at least 10,000 of them will have retired, leaving a severe labor shortage.

Wang Chao-ching
Peng Wan-ru Foundation CEO
60% of childminders will retire in the next 10 years. So in the next decade we will see a tidal wave of turnover in the profession. It will be harder for parents to find childminders. For that reason, we believe that this is the last chance for us to bring new childminders into the world.

The Ministry of Health and Welfare is making it easier to get into the job by amending the law on Family Childcare Service Agencies. They’re allowing agencies to take in more children, and increasing the number of official inspections. The Peng Wan-ru Foundation is also offering subsidies of NT$5 million to help new childminders enter the industry, in the hopes of making Taiwan a friendlier place for young families.













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