
Ministry of Health and Welfare addresses medicine shortages

Ministry of Health and Welfare addresses medicine shortages


The Ministry of Health and Welfare on Monday held a press conference to address matters related to a recent medicine shortage in Taiwan. Patients and pharmacists say as many as 88 different kinds of drugs are currently in short supply in Taiwan. The ministry said the cause was global production problems as well as an uptick in respiratory disease cases in Taiwan. It advised the general public to switch to medications with the same active components for the time being if possible.

Over the past few days, pharmacies in Taiwan have been swept by medicine shortages. The Ministry of Health and Welfare explains why.

Victor Wang
Ministry of Health and Welfare
Machine malfunctions have caused a global shortage of this particular drug. But it’s been fixed now, so we expect imports to Taiwan will resume in early March.

For example, production of proton pump inhibitor lansoprazole had been halted due to technical issues, which have now been resolved. Amid reports that some patients were reluctant to accept drug substitutes during the shortage, an FDA official had this to say.

Wu Hsiu-mei
Food and Drug Administration
You shouldn’t think that only the original medication you were taking is effective. Taiwan’s drug factories are all PIC/S GMP compliant. That’s a really high standard for production. All the medicines produced in Taiwan are just as good as the ones produced at the original factories.

The health ministry said it would establish a drug shortage center to make medicine distribution more efficient and convenient.

Victor Wang
Ministry of Health and Welfare
The shortage is spreading to more types of medications. It’s more diverse. By working together across agencies, offices, departments and even ministries, we can address these import problems. We need to bring all these together, and not just have the Food and Drug Administration dealing with the matter on its own.

The health ministry said the shortage prevention center would work with users such as patients, pharmacies, clinics and hospitals and collect feedback from associations. It will also negotiate with manufacturers and government agencies to offer timely updated on the situation.

解15品項缺藥問題 王必勝親上火線說明




[[衛福部次長 王必勝]]


[[食藥署長 吳秀梅]]
“不要覺得只有原來在吃的藥品,才能夠達到它治療的效果,其實以台灣的藥廠,我們都是PIC/S GMP的,這個是一個標準非常高的,我們製造的規格。台灣所製造的這些藥品,其實它拿出來使用,絕對是跟原廠是一樣的。”


[[衛福部次長 王必勝]]


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