
Acclaim for photos of Dajia Mazu pilgrimage at New York Photography Awards

Acclaim for photos of Dajia Mazu pilgrimage at New York Photography Awards


An amateur photographer has won acclaim for his photos of the Dajia Mazupilgrimage, from the New York Photography Awards. Wang Cheng-chewon a clutch of gold medals for three photos of the pilgrimage in Tainan. It’s one of the iconic events of Taiwan’s traditional culture. He says that before entering the contest, he asked the god Mazu which photo was the best bet. Her answer? “Just enter and you’ll see.”

The Dajia Mazu Pilgrimage sets off with a cacophony of drums and firecrackers. Thousands of believers throng the temple around the god’s palanquin, as spectacular fireworks light up the sky in this arresting photograph.

In the next image, a Ba Jia Jiang performer strikes a pose in front of an explosive firecracker’s glow. And this shot shows the dragon pillars of Nankunshen Daitian Temple in Tainan. These three photos won Wang Cheng-che nine gold medals at the 2022 New York Photography Awards.

Wang Cheng-che
Prize-winning photographer
I think this is quite a big scene. The perspective is like Mazu is inside the palanquin, and how she sees the mass of living beings, and how she enters the temple. It’s quite a special angle. So I sent this photo in to the competition and then it won.

As an amateur photographer for more than 10 years, Wang focuses on traditional customs and religious culture. He first got interested in photography through religious events in Miaoli, and as the years go by, his portfolio grows ever larger and more accomplished.

Wang Cheng-che
Prize-winning photographer
I asked the goddess in a divination ritual which of the photos was more likely to win. She said, “Just enter and you’ll see.” So I did and then I did win! I’ve won awards all the way from Moscow and Budapest to New York. I’ve started to get international recognition, which makes me feel I can keep going in this direction.

Wang’s pictures tell a vivid story. Now, that story, and Taiwan’s religious traditions, are gaining more and more exposure worldwide.

拍神上國際! 王呈哲紐約攝影大賽奪9金









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