
Spotlight on Brazilian saxophonist, Diogo Pinheiro

Spotlight on Brazilian saxophonist, Diogo Pinheiro


Today we take you to meet Diogo Pinheiro, whose saxophone has led him on an adventure across Taiwan. FTV reporter Stephany Yang caught up with the Brazilian musician, to find out more about his career and life.

Since moving to Taiwan, Pinheiro has worked with prominent musicians such as Jay Chou. Pinheiro was invited to play with the Chou at his Carnival World Tour in December 2022.

Diogo Pinheiro
Saxophone player
I did the show in Singapore first. We did two shows in Singapore. He is on tour to celebrate 20 years, now 23 after COVID. It was 20 years of his career. It was just a whole new level of performance and organization and everything. I was really happy with this opportunity.

Pinheiro started playing saxophone when he was 6. Since then, his dream has been to be a professional and perform on big stages. To fulfill his dream, he attended the Stetson University Saxophone Workshop in the U.S. in 2007. After that, Pinheiro performed at the NAMM Show, the biggest music trade fair in the world as a guest artist. He moved to Taiwan in 2019 where he performs in a variety of events.

Diogo Pinheiro
Saxophone player
Coming from Brazil the thing I love the most about Taiwan is the safety. It is so safe here. I mean, last week I forgot my saxophone in my parking lot because I was so tired. Too many gigs this year so I forgot my saxophone in the parking lot. In Brazil, in two seconds I would never see my saxophone again. But it is Taiwan. Taiwan is super safe. The second thing and mostly that I like most about Taiwan is that Taiwanese people are so nice, really polite, really helpful, especially with foreigners. I feel that Taiwan is a very foreigner-friendly country. I like the safety, I like the country, I like the food. I love Taiwan. I just like everything about here.

When public performances were suspended during the COVID pandemic, he began teaching the saxophone.

Diogo Pinheiro
Saxophone player
I found out that the students they don’t really have the open ears for music. They must read but they are not really listening for real what they are playing. So, I try to focus mostly on opening their ears to imagine that instead of just reading music, they should sing with their instrument.

Pinheiro is currently working on a new CD, which will feature original music inspired by his experiences in Taiwan. One original song on the CD is titled “First Kiss.”

Diogo Pinheiro
Saxophone player
When we compose a song, we need to have some kind of experience related right? This song "First Kiss" was a situation in Taiwan. The first. This song for me was like trying to transmit that feeling that we have when we meet this person and we have this first moment of intimacy. I feel that when I play this song and I just kind of relive that moment. I love Taiwan very much. Taiwan has opened arms to receive me in very lovely ways. My project is to have a copyrighted CD, like my own compositions all talking about Taiwan. It doesn’t have lyrics but music is kind of you don’t need lyrics sometimes to tell how you feel right?

Pinheiro is passionate about Taiwan and the saxophone. He hopes to continue to tell stories about Taiwan through his music.

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薩克斯風演奏家 Diogo Pinheiro專訪


今天我們帶您認識來自巴西的薩克斯風演奏家Diogo Pinheiro,靠著自己的專業,活躍於各種表演活動。跟著民視記者的腳步,一起來了解他的故事。

移居台灣後,Diogo Pinheiro曾與周杰倫等著名音樂家合作,曾經受邀在周杰倫的演唱會"嘉年華世界巡迴演"演出。

[[薩克斯風家Diogo Pinheiro]]

6歲開始接觸薩克斯風,Diogo Pinheiro最初的夢想就是成為專業薩克斯風演奏家,站上大型舞台。為了實現自己的夢想,2007年,他參加了美國史丹森大學薩克斯風研討會。接著,Diogo Pinheiro在全球樂器展上客座演奏。2019年,Diogo Pinheiro決定移居台灣,活躍於各種表演活動。

[[薩克斯風家Diogo Pinheiro]]

新冠疫情期間,所有表演被迫暫停,Diogo Pinheiro開始教授薩克斯風。

[[薩克斯風家Diogo Pinheiro]]

Pinheiro 目前正在製作一張全新專輯,靈感來自他在台灣的經驗,專輯中一首原創歌曲為”First Kiss”。

[[薩克斯風家Diogo Pinheiro]]
"當我們創作一首歌時,我們需要有某種相關的經驗,“First Kiss.”這首歌是描述在台灣發生的事情。這首歌試圖傳達,我們遇到對的人時的感覺,我們第一次親密接觸的當下,當我播放這首歌時,我就像重溫了那一刻。我非常喜歡台灣。台灣對我張開雙臂。我的計劃是擁有一張有版權的CD,就像我自己的作品都在談論台灣。它沒有歌詞,但音樂有時候不需要歌詞,就能傳遞感覺"



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