
Duck-themed raft-building contest held in Kaohsiung to complement the Yellow Ducks

Duck-themed raft-building contest held in Kaohsiung to complement the Yellow Ducks


The giant inflatable yellow ducks sitting on the Love River in Kaohsiung have been all the rage with more than six million visitors to date. The duck craze was brought to a new high with a duck-themed homemade raft competition over the weekend. Fifty teams from around the nation used everything from plastic tubs to saran wrap to build their own vessels for a shot at the top prize.

A duck-themed raft-building competition was launched over the weekend. The participating teams used everyday items to construct seaworthy vessels. Old tires and PET bottles were all put to good use. One team used empty cartons to build a boat that looked like Chaishan, a local mountain.

Each one was designed individually and has 18 independent tubes, so there is no problem in terms of buoyancy. We’re also carrying empty containers on our backs as we ride the raft. If our cardboard boxes sink into water, we can still float thanks to the containers.

These kids from the same elementary class worked together. They applied their creativity by using recyclable items from home so they could compete against the adults.

We’re still using these interlocking foam mats at home. We purchased this duck 10 years ago when the Yellow Duck art installation was here the first time.

Hou Tsun-yao
Kaohsiung Sports Development Bureau chief
We have a total of 50 teams that built their own rafts today. They are very creative. They also hope to use creative ways to welcome the Yellow Duck back to Kaohsiung after 10 years.

Riding the wave of Yellow Duck fever, 50 teams from around the nation built their own rafts to compete for the NT$10,000 prize. However, it is not just about being able to float, the vessels had to travel across water at a good speed.

If you capsize, then it’s goodbye to the top prize. One team tied together large plastic containers with a tub in tow, and actually completed the lap.

Participants rowed the rafts they built themselves, and each team was feeling ducky with its own bag of tricks to try and win the race. The event brought extra joy and liveliness to the already festive atmosphere around Kaohsiung’s Love River.

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[[高雄市運發局長 侯尊堯]]





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