
Taiwan Railway Corporation holds testing for nearly 1,000 job openings

Taiwan Railway Corporation holds testing for nearly 1,000 job openings


The recently privatized Taiwan Railway Corporation began its first recruitment drive on Sunday. The company held physical fitness tests at different locations around the nation, with 7,300 applicants showing up to test their mettle. The company says those who pass the fitness test may be called back for follow-up testing in March. It says it is aiming to fill 936 vacancies by the end of April, to replace those who resigned or retired before its corporatization in January.

Donning a helmet and protective gear, prospective TRC recruits take part in a fitness test.

At the sound of the starting pistol, the test takers set off carrying 35 kilogram weighted bags. Some complete the 40 meter shuttle run with ease, while one person loses his balance and falls, before standing up and pushing on.

Job applicant
The job involves frequently carrying things, so I think it’s fine.

Job applicant
It’s no problem, since I often do physical training. I train by lifting heavy objects, and I often go running.

This is Taiwan Railway Corporation’s first recruitment drive since corporatization. A total of 7,300 applicants who have applied for the 936 openings will need to complete tests for physical fitness, and mechanical, electrical and transportation-related skills. All applicants – including those applying for customer service positions – will be required to go through the physical test, while those taking the engineering exam will need to carry an additional 10 kilograms of weight during the physical component.

The company explained that completion of the physical fitness test by customer service recruits would facilitate their potential transfer to other roles in the company in the future. Those who pass the first phase of recruitment would be invited to take a written test on March 2, and then a specialized test and an oral test at the end of March. Those hired would have a starting salary between NT$33,000 and NT$42,000, the company said.

Job applicant
I was mainly drawn to the benefits. The tests are related to things I’ve studied, so I applied.

Job applicant
I’m in the machinery industry, so I wanted to come take the test. It might lead to more stable work.

Many of the railway company’s employees resigned or retired in the weeks leading up to its corporatization on January 1. The company hopes to fill those vacancies by the end of April.

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"負重跑40米"測體能! 台鐵公司化首招募新血"釋936個職缺"













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