
Taiwan delegation protests WHA exclusion in Geneva

Taiwan delegation protests WHA exclusion in Geneva


The World Health Assembly has kicked off, excluding Taiwan for the eighth year in a row. On Monday, a delegation led by Taiwan’s health minister held a press conference outside the WHA’s venue in Geneva. The group urged the World Health Organization not to leave out Taiwan, underscoring the importance of the island’s participation in global health.

Just before the 77th World Health Assembly convened, Taiwan’s health minister Chiu Tai-yuan and four lawmakers held an international press conference.

Chiu Tau-yuan
Health minister
Urging the WHO to act in line with this year’s WHA theme “Global health, health for all,” by including Taiwan in the proceedings of the WHA as an observer.

Wang Cheng-hsu
DPP lawmaker
Regrettable, the assembly today here leaves Taiwan out. We are here to voice out the importance of Taiwan’s inclusion in the WHA.

Due to Chinese intervention, Taiwan has been snubbed by the WHA for eight years in a row. With neither the United Nations nor the WHO recognizing the R.O.C., international media asked about the name Taiwan intends to use when seeking WHA participation.

Chiu Tai-yuan
Health minister
Taiwan is Taiwan. Taiwan’s official national name is the R.O.C. So I think we should insist on using Taiwan or R.O.C.

Mr. Wang
Member of public
I hope the WHO will allow Taiwan to join the organization, in order to protect the health of the people of Taiwan.

Ms. Chen
Member of public
I think Taiwan needs everyone’s support. The WHO needs to acknowledge Taiwan’s existence, and protect the health of the people of Taiwan.

To protest Taiwan’s exclusion from the WHA, several Taiwan nationals have organized demonstrations outside the U.N.’s office in Geneva. Outside, inflatables featuring Taiwan’s endemic species have been put up to remind the world about Taiwan.

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努力到最後一刻! 台灣世衛行動團爭取參加WHA




[[衛福部長 邱泰源]]

[[立委(民) 王正旭]]


[[衛福部長 邱泰源]]

[[台灣民眾 王先生]]

[[台灣民眾 陳小姐]]



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