
Taiwan top choice for expansion: Supermicro founder

Taiwan top choice for expansion: Supermicro founder


American AI server manufacturer Supermicro employs more than 2,000 Taiwanese workers at its plant in Taoyuan. In an exclusive interview with FTV, company founder Charles Liang said that Taiwan was the firm’s top choice for AI expansion, thanks to Taiwan’s outstanding local talent and work ethic. He added that the company is expecting to double its operations in Taiwan, creating another 2,000 jobs. Let’s hear what he said.

Anne Hu
FTV vice president
In your speech, you mentioned that Taiwan would be your top choice when it comes to expanding your company’s operations. Are you planning on expanding operations in Taiwan?

Charles Liang
Supermicro founder
Business growth has been doing reasonably well; it more than doubled last year. This year should be good too, so we keep having to add more production capacity. Taiwan is a familiar place for us. There’s a lot of talent, and the government’s policies are quite good. So if we have the opportunity, Taiwan would of course be our first choice. And also, costs in Taiwan are a bit lower. The locals are very nice, and very smart. Their work ethic is top notch in the world.

Several local governments are already trying to court Supermicro. Not long ago, Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chi-mai shared a meal with Liang. And Chiayi Commissioner Weng Chang-liang met with him behind closed doors for half an hour on Thursday. Weng says that, although no agreement was reached during their previous talks, he thinks that Liang may be eager to set up shop in his native Chiayi. He says it all depends on whether Chiayi can meet the company’s needs.

For more Taiwan news, tune in:
Sun to Fri at 9:30 pm on Channel 152
Tue to Sat at 1 am on Channel 53

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[[民視新聞副總經理 胡婉玲]]

[[美超微創辦人暨執行長 梁見後]]



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