
Executive Yuan to request reconsideration of controversial legislative power bills

Executive Yuan to request reconsideration of controversial legislative power bills


A set of controversial bills to expand legislative powers has been delivered at the Executive Yuan. Premier Cho Jung-tai says the Cabinet may seek a reconsideration of the bills by the Legislative Yuan to potentially get them withdrawn. If the lawmakers uphold the bills again, the DPP says it will request a ruling on whether they are constitutional. The bills had triggered sharp backlash from the public when they were passed last month, putting significant pressure on KMT and TPP lawmakers.

Last month on May 28, the Legislative Yuan passed several bills to expand its powers. On Wednesday, the bills were delivered at the Executive Yuan. Premier Cho Jung-tai has asked Minister Without Portfolio Lin Ming-hsin to evaluate whether to seek remedies in accordance with the Constitution. The matter was added to the Executive Yuan’s agenda for Thursday, to decide whether to send the revisions back to the Legislature for reconsideration.

Chen Shih-kai
Executive Yuan spokesperson
As the country’s highest administrative body, we must act in accordance with laws and we have the responsibility of defending constitutional order and safeguarding the basic rights of the people.The purpose of the reconsideration is not to further escalate tensions between ruling and opposition parties. We hope that by invoking this constitutional process, the Legislative Yuan will reconsider the contents of the bill to achieve a consensus that’s in line with the Constitution and in the best interests of our nation.

According to the Constitution, if the Executive Yuan deems a resolution passed by the Legislative Yuan difficult of execution, it may request the Legislative Yuan to reconsider the resolution, within 10 days after its transmission to the Executive Yuan. That means the request must be made by June 14.

Hsu Chiao-hsin
KMT lawmaker
If the Executive Yuan requests reconsideration, it would be quite unacceptable, in my opinion. Our demands are very simple. That is, officials summoned for interpellation should not tell lies. They should tell the truth as it is. Isn’t that what the people want?

Ker Chien-ming
DPP lawmaker
If the reconsideration isn’t successful, we will call for a constitutional interpretation. We will absolutely do so. We must demonstrate our commitment to upholding a constitutional government.

If the request for consideration goes ahead, the Legislative Yuan will have 15 days to reach a final resolution on the bill, which must be agreed on by at least half of all lawmakers. If upheld, it must then be accepted by the Executive Yuan and sent to the president to be announced and enter effect. The DPP legislative caucus says if that happens, it will request a constitutional interpretation.

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[[行政院發言人 陳世凱]]


[[立委(國) 徐巧芯]]

[[民進黨立院黨團總召 柯建銘]]



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