
Team Taiwan uniforms unveiled month out from Paris Games

Team Taiwan uniforms unveiled month out from Paris Games


There’s one month to go before the Paris Olympics. On Monday, athletes took to the runway to show off their brand-new uniforms. The garments don’t just look sharp, but they use material that’s more breathable and flexible than before.

Looking dapper in a navy blue suit, judo star Yang Yung-wei struts down the runway. This outfit is to make its debut next month, when Team Taiwan marches in the Parade of Nations at the Paris Olympics.

Justin Chou
Fashion designer
Look up and you see the sky, look around and there’s the sea. So we hoped to use the ocean, the feeling of the waves, to create a raised pattern that represents the landscapes and Indigenous culture of Taiwan. For the women’s version, the waves have a bit of yellow to represent a hopeful peek of sunlight.

Designed to highlight cultural inclusivity, the uniforms feature lapel pins representing plum blossoms, Taiwan’s national flower, and rapeseed blossoms. The material is also more flexible than the last design worn for the Tokyo Olympics.

Yang Yung-wei
Olympic judoka
Aside from being eye-catching, it’s actually very comfortable to wear. When moving around, especially when we were crouching down just now, it was extremely comfortable and stretchy.

Ting Hua-tien
Olympic gymnast
It’s special for all the thought that went into it. The color of the fabric is also very lively.

Next to hit the runway were the uniforms athletes will wear when competing. They feature the red, white and blue of the national flag. Since athletes will be competing in France’s summer heat, the material is breathable and cooling. Detailed patterns add a touch of ingenuity to the uniforms.

Tai Tse-yu
Fashion designer
At various stages, plants are able to adapt to their environment. So I wanted to express that when Taiwan’s athletes go abroad to compete in different environments and venues, they can rely on their abilities and training to adapt to their environment and give their best performance.

Huang Hsiao-wen
Olympic boxer
By putting on the uniform and stepping out here, it made me really want to represent Taiwan at the Olympics again.

With only a month to go, the nation’s athletes are steeling themselves for the competition ahead. These uniforms are the armor they’ll need before stepping into battle.

For more Taiwan news, tune in:
Sun to Fri at 9:30 pm on Channel 152
Tue to Sat at 1 am on Channel 53

巴黎奧運倒數1個月 台灣隊團服首度曝光




[[巴黎奧運進場制服設計師 周裕穎]]


[[巴黎奧運柔道選手 楊勇緯]]

[[巴黎奧運體操選手 丁華恬]]


[[奧運團服設計師 戴澤羽]]

[[巴黎奧運拳擊選手 黃筱雯]]



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