
Lai signs contested amendments into law, vows to continue fight

Lai signs contested amendments into law, vows to continue fight


President Lai Ching-te has promulgated a package of amendments that expand the legislature’s investigative powers. Lai was obligated to sign the amendments into law, after the Cabinet’s “reconsideration” motion was rejected last Friday. At the signing, Lai said that he would fight the legislation by seeking a constitutional interpretation. Until the Constitutional Court issues a verdict, he said he would refuse all orders to report to the Legislative Yuan.

Lai Ching-te
Because this legislation may violate the Constitution, and a request for a constitutional interpretation is being filed, we need to wait for the ruling to come out before deciding whether to report to the legislature. At the same time, I want to urge the opposition to respect the gravity of the Constitution. Before the Constitutional Court makes a decision, the opposition should avoid taking rash action.

Ker Chien-ming
DPP caucus whip
On Wednesday, we will submit our requests for a constitutional interpretation and an injunction to the judiciary. Due to issues concerning the separation of powers and human rights, we believe that it is reasonable and just to file these requests.

Requests for a constitutional interpretation and temporary injunction are being filed by the Presidential Office, as well as the DPP caucus, Executive Yuan, and Control Yuan. As it’s unclear how long the verdicts will take, the stage could be set for a protracted showdown.

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Sun to Fri at 9:30 pm on Channel 152
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依法簽署公布國會擴權法案 賴總統親上火線:將聲請釋憲



[[總統 賴清德]]

[[民進黨團總召 柯建銘]]



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