
Preparations underway for National Day celebrations

Preparations underway for National Day celebrations


Preparations and rehearsals are underway ahead of National Day on Oct. 10. The military on Thursday morning conducted a brief flypast over the Presidential Office, offering a sneak peek at what’s to come. Organizers say there will be plenty of novelties, including a marching band performance by a group of Japanese high schoolers known as the “Orange Devils.”

The sound of helicopters fills the air. A Black Hawk helicopter, an Apache, and a Chinook sail across the sky near the Presidential Office on Thursday morning. They are training for the National Day flypast, which is just over two weeks away.

As with previous years, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has produced a video to celebrate the National Day. It covers a variety of subjects, including the gradual return to normalcy after COVID, the four referendums in December 2021, and the united support for Ukraine from the government and the general public. It also features footage of the many foreign delegations that visited Taiwan over the past year, with officials from the U.S., Japan, the EU, and Taiwan’s diplomatic allies. It also underscores the importance of Taiwan’s semiconductor industry, showing to the world just how valuable Taiwan is.

Rays of color shoot at the center of the screen. This year’s National Day logo represents Taiwan’s commitment to self-defense and unity. The visual will be featured on many goodies to celebrate the day, including limited-edition face masks, bucket hats, and thermoses.

Chen Tsung-yen (Sept. 6)
National Day organizing committee
It concentrates this energy from all sides and directions. It represents the idea of a diverse nation with a variety of ideas. All these ideas flow into the center, creating a strong and powerful energy.

This year Taiwan will be celebrating 50 years of friendship with Japan. To mark the occasion, a marching band from Kyoto Tachibana Senior High School, known as the “Orange Devils,” will be putting on a grand performance on the day.

Chen Tsung-yen (Sept. 6)
National Day organizing committee
The marching band will arrive in Taiwan on Oct. 5. They’ll conduct exchanges with high schools in Taiwan.

Japan will also be sending a delegation of 20 representatives from a cross-party parliamentary group to take part in the National Day celebrations.

公布國慶文宣影片 國軍直升機試飛預演






[[慶籌會秘書長 陳宗彥]] (9.6)


[[慶籌會秘書長 陳宗彥]]


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