
Executive Yuan says mask mandate will remain in place until year’s end

Executive Yuan says mask mandate will remain in place until year’s end


And on the topic of COVID rules, when will Taiwan lift its mask mandate? Initially, CECC head Victor Wang had said that Taiwan would take steps toward easing face mask regulations after the removal of travel quarantines. The rules would allow people to go mask-free at all times, except for specific situations, such as public transport. The Executive Yuan on Thursday afternoon said that the mask mandate wouldn’t be lifted so soon, adding that masks would stay mandatory until at least year’s end. Let’s hear from the CECC.

Victor Wang
The main condition is lower COVID numbers. We expect that after this wave ends, COVID will continue to spread slowly in the community. That process may last until the end of the year. All countries still have rules on face masks. It’s just that some are stricter than others.

Chiang Kuan-yu
Taipei City Hospital
In crowded spaces, you might still want to consider wearing a face mask. The elections are approaching, and at many campaign events, older people shake hands with candidates. That can carry a high infection risk.

Taiwan reported 42,212 local COVID cases on Thursday, a fall of 6.8% from last week. That marks the third day in a row with a lower tally from the week before. The CECC says the current COVID situation is headed in a good direction, asking members of the public to remain alert.

口罩禁令與0+7全面脫鉤 王必勝:至少戴到年底



[[疫情指揮中心指揮官 王必勝]]

[[聯合醫院中興院區內科醫師 姜冠宇]]


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