
Military recruitment center sets up exhibit at model show to attract talent

Military recruitment center sets up exhibit at model show to attract talent


As cross-strait tensions continue to rise, Taiwan’s military is beefing up, and that includes finding new recruits. For the first time, the Recruitment Center of the National Armed Forces took part in an annual miniatures exhibition and set up booths to display weaponry. Various military units took part, including secretive agencies that rarely engage with the public. This was the first time for the recruitment center to collaborate with a civilian organization.

Knowing that there would be military buffs at the Taiwan Model Show, military recruiters set up booths at the annual event held at the Taipei Expo Park. For the first time, not only did the Special Forces, the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps School take part. The academies of the three branches of the military also were there, along with seldom -seen units, such as special ops groups and the Army Aviation Command. They all set up booths at the venue to attract recruits. Everything from Lego models to weapons and equipment built to scale were put on display to attract people. Sure enough, passersby stopped to see what was on offer.

Member of the public
It’s not bad. I think it’s great that kids can get to know all this. People that are just passing by can get a better understanding of this.

Visitors were largely impressed with the recruitment center’s latest tactic. Despite the brevity of the two-day event, the results were quite good.

Chen Chien-i
Recruitment Center of National Armed Forces
We have three military academies, along with polytechnic and junior colleges. The second half is our Army, especially the Marines and Special Forces. They seldom make an appearance. Now we can let young students see the might of our youthful troops. Yesterday, the people who inquired were very enthusiastic. There were about 200 to 300 people, and about 50 to 60 of them left personal information for us to follow up on. This exhibition has set a precedent. I hope that if there are future activities where many young people turn up, we can be allowed to participate and set up booths, so that more young students and the general public can get to know our military and join our armed forces.

This was the first time for the Recruitment Center of the National Armed Forces to collaborate with an NGO. The center hopes that it will have more opportunities like this to find talent among the general public, so that more people can join the ranks of those who defend the homeland.

首度與民間合作 軍方模型祭外擺攤招攬人才






[[國軍北區人才招募中心主任 陳鍵誼]]


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