
Despite harsh rhetoric, Xi still wants to boost unofficial cross-strait exchanges: pundits

Despite harsh rhetoric, Xi still wants to boost unofficial cross-strait exchanges: pundits


Chinese President Xi Jinping said once again on Sunday that China would not renounce the use of military force to retake Taiwan. In his opening speech at the 20th National Congress of the CCP, Xi noted that China opposed secession and should take the lead in the direction of cross-strait relations. He also said the problem of Taiwan needed to be decided on by the Chinese people. In response, Taiwan’s Presidential Office said Taiwan resolutely rejects the one country, two systems proposition, which China has used for Hong Kong since 1997. It would also never make any concessions on its territorial integrity. The Mainland Affairs Council also chimed in, urging China to abandon the imposition of any political frameworks on Taiwan and military coercion. Let’s hear what some local pundits have to say:

Tung Li-wen
Taiwan Thinktank consultant
I have never come across this kind of rhetoric, which says, “We have and will always respect, care about and bring benefits to our Taiwanese compatriots, and will continue to do our utmost in promoting cooperation in cross-strait economic and cultural exchanges.” Even in August, China did not have these lines in its Taiwan policy white paper. This is going in a moderate direction.

Wang Chih-sheng
Cross-Strait Policy Association
It seems like he’s going to be even softer with his soft tactics. It seems like he intends to use the next five years to find ways to bridge the huge distance and estrangement between the peoples on either side of the Taiwan Strait that’s been created in the past. However, he didn’t abandon the hard tactics either. He pointed even more clearly to this in the part where he mentions Taiwan independence elements colluding with foreign forces.

After the congress is over, Xi is expected to have secured an unprecedented third term, making him the Chinese leader with the longest tenure since Mao Tse-tung. All eyes are sure to be on emerging relations between Taiwan and China in the future.

習近平二十大開幕演講 府:堅定拒絕一國兩制



[[台灣智庫諮詢委員 董立文]]

[[中華亞太菁英交流協會秘書長 王智盛]]


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