
Mother and son invent “Butternut Squash Bowl” to showcase flavors of Nantou

Mother and son invent “Butternut Squash Bowl” to showcase flavors of Nantou


Visitors to the Indigenous village of Alang Rongan in Nantou are in for a special surprise. A pair of chefs – mother and son – have invented a new local classic dish. The “Butternut Squash Bowl”: a warming winter recipe, using local vegetables and herbs, for a filling meal all in one bowl. Even local officials are heading over to Ren’ai Township to try it for themselves.

Nantou Deputy County Commissioner Wang Jui-teh is delighted by this unusual dish – the butternut squash bowl.

Wang Jui-teh
Nantou Deputy County Commissioner
The scent of the egg is mixed in with the sweetness of the butternut squash. It’s sweet, light and silky.

The eggs are steamed inside a hole in the butternut squash, with a sprinkling of chopped prickly ash leaves for seasoning. This is the Wang family’s special recipe.

Mother and son work together. He carves seeds out of the squash while she picks the prickly ash leaves. They get eggs from their own home-raised hens. The stuffed squash go into the steamer basket and come out ready to eat. It looks simple, but the recipe is full of local ingredients and thoughtful details.

Mrs. Wang
The idea is to put our own local-grown produce on the table. It’s a way of sustaining life.

Mrs. Wang has run a restaurant in Ren’ai Township for more than 20 years. Her son Wang Hsiao-liang grew up with an interest in cooking, but chose as a young man to make his way in Thailand. Just as he was about to open his own restaurant there, his mother got sick. He gave up his budding business to come home to his family.

Wang Hsiao-liang
Head chef
In Taiwan we say “filial piety” is very important. So I was struggling to establish something, and in the middle I decided to give up that chance to work abroad, and come home to Taiwan.

That sacrifice allowed new doors to open for the family. Mrs. Wang recovered her health, and mother and son jointly invented the squash bowl recipe. The flavors of their hometown have become a family project warming visitors from near and far.





[[南投縣副縣長 王瑞德]]





[[主廚 王孝良]]


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