Cloud seeding adds 2.8 million tons to Shihmen Reservoir
Cloud seeding brought slight relief to northern reservoirs last Sunday. As storms swept the region, officials launched cloud seeding over the Shihmen and Second Baoshan reservoirs, giving a boost to water supplies. Shihmen Reservoir has gained an extra 2.8 million tons of water so far, enough to supply the area for about three days. Total gains are expected to rise to 4 million tons.
With storms brewing over the weekend, officials carried out cloud seeding in Taoyuan, Hsinchu, and Miaoli, in hopes of bringing relief to reservoirs.
Voice of Kuo Yaw-cheng
Water Resource Agency, northern branch
Shihmen Reservoir received roughly 2.8 million tons of rainwater. Given that 1.1 million to 1.12 million tons are used every day, this inflow will provide an additional two or three days of water.
It will take time for more rainwater in the soil to enter reservoirs, officials said. In the end, Shihmen Reservoir is set to gain up to 4 million tons of water. Not only that, recent rains in lowland areas also filled up ponds. Because of this, farmers will be able to draw pond water for rice irrigation, sparing local reservoirs. Officials said the water shortage is well under control.
Voice of Kuo Yaw-cheng
Water Resource Agency, northern branch
Water levels are on the low end, but we are far from a critical shortage.
Chen Chien-jen (Mar. 28)
Currently, we are in the second half of the spring dry season. As the seasons change and we enter the rainy season, the plum rain season, the government must prudently address the potential for extreme rainfall brought on by climate change.
Shihmen and the Baoshan reservoirs have dipped below 30% capacity, while Mingde and Liyutan in Central Taiwan are just above 30%. Nantou’s Sun Moon Lake is still at 70%, but its water level is receding fast. In the south, Tsengwen Reservoir stands just above 40%. Confronted with sparse spring rains, the Water Resources Agency has formed a drought response team to handle water sourcing and conservation.
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