Most people are used to using a phone to find their way around. But one person recently shared a photograph of a woman driving with a paper map affixed to her scooter, claiming that she has the coolest map of them all.
It’s common to see people using their phones for navigation, but one online post got some attention for bucking the trend. In the photo, a scooter phone stand holds a paper map instead of a phone.
It’s amazing. At each light she has to quickly find out where she’s going, so she must have a fast reaction time. She doesn’t have real-time navigation. There’s no way to tell where to go based on traffic conditions.
Using paper maps may have been the norm 20 or 30 years ago, but seeing a driver use one these days has elicited a strong reaction online. Some people have even started calling her old-school map “Google Paper.”
Even more unusual, the map she used is from the Next Art Tainan exhibition.
Chen Fu-yao
Tainan Cultural Affairs Bureau
Since this year is Tainan’s 400th anniversary, we worked with 10 nontraditional locations around the city. Since there are so many different locations, we made a very basic map.
People are extra impressed that this auntie is using a map of artistic landmarks, since they are mostly targeted toward younger crowds.
Chen Fu-yao
Tainan Cultural Affairs Bureau
The audience for Next Art Taiwan skews pretty young. They tend to have more interest in this kind of modern art. It’s surprising that some aunties are showing such interest in the show.
Where others see a spot for a phone, this auntie sees a map stand. There’s no need for charging or data, but it has still captured the imagination of the internet.
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雖然看地圖找路,也不過是二、三十年前的常態,不過這位阿姨的紙本地圖如今看來,反倒成了網友幽默回應的「正宗離線地圖」,還有人給了個Google Paper的稱號。
[[台南市文化局藝術發展科長 陳富堯]]
[[台南市文化局藝術發展科長 陳富堯]]
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