Now we have an interview with “Taiwan’s strongest police officer.” Taipei officer Wu Chi-hang is a bodybuilder with a very unusual physique. His bulging muscles certainly help when he gets into altercations. He says it might also make suspects less likely to try to resist. But seven years ago, Wu was a stranger to the gym. He chatted to FTV about his journey with exercise and fitness.
The officer demonstrates an arrest of a resistant suspect. With a judo throw, his opponent is straight on the ground.
Wu Chi-hang’s muscles are clearly a step up from the average person’s. Even in a simple demo for online streaming, his colleague needs to watch out.
Wu works at Yanping Precinct in Taipei’s Datong Office. Some say he is Taiwan’s strongest police officer.
Wu Chi-hang
Yanping precinct police officer, Taipei
My sleep patterns got messed up, so my figure went wrong. After that I started working out. When I looked at myself in the mirror, and saw how my body had changed, I got more and more into working out.
Whether or not because of his physique, Wu tends to find that suspects cooperate when he’s on patrol, and he rarely encounters resistance. Passersby on the street agreed that he cuts an unusual figure.
At 28 years old, Wu has been a competitive bodybuilder, and has lots of trophies. He also holds a professional bodybuilding license. But fitness is important for his job in the police too, and he relies on a disciplined diet and exercise regime.
Wu Chi-hang
Yanping precinct police officer, Taipei
My method is, if I need to be at work by 7, then I’ll be at the gym before 4 a.m.
At police academy, Wu had a much thinner physique, and weighed just 67 kilograms. After graduating, he gained weight, and decided to start exercising. He came across bodybuilding and found his new passion.
Wu Chi-hang
Yanping precinct police officer, Taipei
Since I started working out, I’ve never encountered people speaking angrily to me, not once.
Wu spends 90 minutes at the gym every day, which over time has resulted in his unusual figure. Luckily he loves exercising and it fits perfectly with his job.
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