
Defending Taiwan necessary to ‘put America first’: former US state secretary Pompeo

Defending Taiwan necessary to ‘put America first’: former US state secretary Pompeo


In an exclusive interview with FTV, former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo discussed Taiwan’s importance for the U.S. The former official said that “putting America first” requires Washington to be strong in the defense of Taiwan and its people. He also voiced confidence about a Republican win in the upcoming U.S. presidential election in November.

Anne Hu
FTV vice president
The 2024 presidential election will be between Biden and Trump. Do you think the election result will affect U.S. policy on Taiwan?

Mike Pompeo
Former US secretary of state
Well, we can see the Biden administration’s policies, and we know what President Trump did.

Anne Hu
FTV vice president
If Trump wins the election.

Mike Pompeo
Former US secretary of state
When! I’m counting on it. I’m hoping. I’m working very diligently to help him be successful.

Anne Hu
FTV vice president
This year, by November?

Mike Pompeo
Former US secretary of state
I hope so. I hope in November President Trump is elected for his second term, yes. He may not be, but I hope that he will be. I think that’s in the best interests of the American people, deeply.

Anne Hu
FTV vice president
American people… It seems that everyone thinks that it’s a war between Biden and Trump. Are there any other candidates?

Mike Pompeo
Former US secretary of state
No. It will be President Trump or a Democrat candidate. Those will be the two. There is a third candidate. There’s actually a couple of other candidates that’ll be on the ballot. But either the Republican or Democratic Party will win.

Anne Hu
FTV vice president
If Trump wins the election and becomes president again, will you return to politics?

Mike Pompeo
Former US secretary of state
Oh. I don’t know. I don’t know. No, I don’t know. I don’t know who the president will pick, will choose to be around him as the folks who help him execute. I’ve said this before, were he to choose me, I would be honored to help and do my best to help him achieve his objectives. But I don’t know who he’ll choose. I hope he chooses a team that understands the world the same way that I do.

Anne Hu
FTV vice president
Here our media have often called you the most supportive secretary of state for Taiwan. How do you feel about the title?

Mike Pompeo
Former US secretary of state
It’s humbling to hear that. It makes me proud of the work that we did, because supporting Taiwan is important. It’s important for America. You know we were pretty clear, right? We put America first. And putting America first requires us to be strong in the defense of Taiwan and the people of Taiwan. And so I’ve heard people say that before. I think they are very kind. I pray that whoever the American secretary of state is, comes to understand how important it is to get this right.

Anne Hu
FTV vice president
Based on your memoir “Never Give an Inch,” you seem to be brave, capable, and patriotic. In your book, you mention that Xi Jinping is the most dangerous person in the world. Why is that?

Mike Pompeo
Former US secretary of state
Because I was taught as a young kid that when you look at another nation, you have to consider both their capacity and their intent. And the Chinese Communist Party has a big economy, they have a very capable military, they have a high-end space program, a high-end cyber program. They are very capable. And Xi Jinping has demonstrated his intention, all around the world, in Sri Lanka, in Africa. He’s demonstrated intention to gain political power in these places. That combination of capacity and intent makes him a very dangerous person.

Anne Hu
FTV vice president
Since you stepped down as secretary of state, I noticed that you are keeping active. And now look, you successfully lost weight and look different from before, actually. How did you do that? How did you make it?

Mike Pompeo
Former US secretary of state
Oh goodness. I don’t know that I’ve successfully lost the weight. This is a lifetime challenge. Let’s see if I can manage to stay healthy. I did it by taking care of myself, eating better, exercising a bit more. Nothing fancy.

Anne Hu
FTV vice president
Have you reached your weight goal?

Mike Pompeo
Former US secretary of state
You know, I’m up and down. I feel good where I am today.

For more Taiwan news, tune in:
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民視獨家專訪最挺台國務卿! 龐培歐:支持台灣很重要



[[民視新聞副總經理 胡婉玲]]

[[美國前國務卿 龐培歐]]

[[民視新聞副總經理 胡婉玲]]

[[美國前國務卿 龐培歐]]

[[民視新聞副總經理 胡婉玲]]

[[美國前國務卿 龐培歐]]

[[民視新聞副總經理 胡婉玲]]

[[美國前國務卿 龐培歐]]

[[民視新聞副總經理 胡婉玲]]

[[美國前國務卿 龐培歐]]

[[民視新聞副總經理 胡婉玲]]

[[美國前國務卿 龐培歐]]

[[民視新聞副總經理 胡婉玲]]

[[美國前國務卿 龐培歐]]

[[民視新聞副總經理 胡婉玲]]

[[美國前國務卿 龐培歐]]

[[民視新聞副總經理 胡婉玲]]

[[美國前國務卿 龐培歐]]


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