
French programmer leads tours of Donggang King Boat culture

French programmer leads tours of Donggang King Boat culture


The first time Vergnaud Cyril Raymond came to Taiwan, he was taken by its folk culture. After going back to France, he spent a month wrapping up his work and packing his things in his rush to get back to Taiwan. He particularly loves temple culture and learned the story of the Donggang King Boat Festival, which he now shares with English-speaking visitors as a volunteer tour guide.

Vergnaud Cyril Raymond
French immigrant
The ship has eyes. And teeth. And a tongue. Once the eyes are painted, that happens at the last moment. Once the eyes are painted, the ship becomes alive.

Once every three years, Pingtung’s Donggang celebrates the King Boat Festival. It’s the largest of its kind in Taiwan, and has been designated an important intangible cultural asset. Vergnaud Cyril Raymond is from France. When teaching French at a community college, a student working for Donglong Temple invited him to participate in volunteer training. It was his first foray into Taiwan’s religious culture.

Back in France, Raymond was a computer engineer. He met his now-wife Hsia Hsiao-chi online. The first time he came to Taiwan, he was taken by the scenery and food, and decided right then and there to settle in Pingtung.

Vergnaud Cyril Raymond
French immigrant
I’ve met some people for example from France or other country, they went back to their country. They send me a postcard to say thank you. We learned a lot. And yeah, that’s touching. You feel that you contribute to expand Taiwanese culture and local culture. We always say, “We’re from Pingtung and we’re proud of it.”

Three years ago, Raymond and his wife decided to get a dog. They unwittingly came across guide dogs, and gave a new home to retired guide dog Orange.

Vergnaud Cyril Raymond
French immigrant
I didn’t know any blind people before. I didn’t know any guide dogs. There’s a lot I didn’t think about. So that opened my mind on many problems. She’s a good teacher.

Raymond has written articles about his experience with Orange and shared them in magazines and on social media. He hopes that through his small effort, he could help people understand guide dogs and treat them better. Life in Taiwan is so vibrant that he says he can never go back.

Vergnaud Cyril Raymond
French immigrant
I think now if one day I have to go back to France, it would be hard on me. I love all the great things about Taiwan.

In Taiwan, Orange teaches them to appreciate every little thing and to feel an intangible happiness. Exploring Taiwan’s fascinating culture also makes him happy, as does sharing what he discovers with others.

This story was provided by the program "We Are Family"
Funded by New Immigrant Development Fund

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