
Cabinet, Presidential Office, DPP, Control Yuan to launch constitutional challenge

Cabinet, Presidential Office, DPP, Control Yuan to launch constitutional challenge


The amendments to the Law Governing the Legislature’s Power could take effect as early as next week. The DPP has requested a preliminary injunction, hoping to postpone the amendments’ entry into force. However, this will require at least 10 grand justices to participate in the review, and more than half of them must vote “yes” to pass it. And once it’s passed, the amendments’ promulgation will be postponed for just six months. Another tactic of the DPP is a request for a constitutional interpretation.

Ker Chien-ming, the DPP caucus whip, says the petition for a constitutional interpretation has been prepared and will be lodged as soon as the amendments take effect. In addition to the party caucus, the Executive Yuan, the Presidential Office and the Control Yuan are all working on petitions for a constitutional interpretation. If all four groups lodge petitions at the same time, it will be a historic first.

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國會擴權下週生效 府院黨.監察院可能同時提釋憲





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