
US State Department officials comment on UN resolution at meeting in Taipei

US State Department officials comment on UN resolution at meeting in Taipei


In the U.S. State Department’s latest show of support for Taiwan, Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Daniel Kritenbrink joined a meeting in Taipei over the weekend on U.S.-Taiwan relations. During the meeting, Kritenbirk offered the U.S.’ interpretation of UN Resolution 2758, saying the resolution does not determine Taiwan’s sovereign status, nor does it exclude Taiwan from participation in UN organizations. Kritenbirk was joined at the meeting by Mark Lambert, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for China and Taiwan. Lambert echoed Kritenbrink’s statements on the resolution.

Daniel Kritenbrink (April 30)
US assistant secretary for East Asian and Pacific affairs
We believe that China’s misusing UN Resolution 2758. They try to somehow say that the UN adopted China’s so-called “one China” principle.

At a recent meeting on Taiwan-U.S. relations held in Taipei, Kritenbrink argued that UN Resolution 2758 has nothing to do with Beijing’s “one China” principle. Also in attendance was U.S. State Department China Coordinator Mark Lambert, who echoed Kritenbrink’s comments on the matter and shared this view with envoys from 20 countries stationed in Taipei.

Chen Shih-min
National Taiwan University
I think these two U.S. State Department officials said something very important, which is we can all do what’s not mentioned in UN Resolution 2758. Of course, what is not mentioned in the resolution includes anything related to Taiwan’s ability to participate in UN-affiliated organizations.

While Kritenbrink and Lambert’s trip to Taiwan was kept low-key, the two officials’ remarks on Resolution 2758 were loud and clear. Lambert also emphasized that the resolution does not spell out how other countries should determine Taiwan’s sovereignty, nor does it constitute the United Nations’ position on Taiwan’s political status. The two argued that the resolution does not rule out Taiwan’s meaningful participation in the UN and other multilateral forums.

Chen Shih-min
Political Science Dept., National Taiwan University
Resolution 2758 cannot be used to deny Taiwan’s right to participate in relevant United Nations organizations.

UN Resolution 2758, adopted on October 25, 1971, determined that China should be represented at the UN by the government of the People’s Republic of China in Beijing. However, the resolution makes no reference to Taiwan’s sovereignty or on Beijing’s “one-China” principle. Undeterred by Beijing’s interpretation of the resolution, the U.S. continues to support Taiwan and protect it from any unilateral changes to the status quo in the Taiwan Strait.

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