
Restaurants preparing as Taiwan reaches bluefin tuna quota early

Restaurants preparing as Taiwan reaches bluefin tuna quota early


Fishers and restauranteurs have been disturbed by a curveball to the fishing industry. The upper limit of bluefin fishing has been reached early, which means Taiwan is now forbidden from catching any more bluefin tuna for the year. It could cause problems for the supply of tuna later in the year. The fish is very popular with high-end chefs for dishes like sushi. But some restaurants are sanguine about the quota being reached, and have their own plans to handle the situation.

Many foodies love bluefin tuna sashimi for its tender flesh and even marbling. But this year the catch in Taiwan has maxxed out its international quota early. Are customers worried that bluefin will soon be off the menu?

Member of public
I think we can take the chance to try some other fish.

Member of public
Bluefin tuna isn’t necessarily the only choice. There are actually lots of different types of great sashimi.

Reaching the bluefin quota early means that fishers can’t keep going out to catch more. The bluefin that has already been caught will have to suffice for the whole of the rest of the year.

A restaurant owner takes us out back into his walk-in freezer, at minus 70 degrees Celsius. Here’s the massive store of bluefin tuna.

Hsiao Yu-tse
Restaurant owner
It’s beautiful, look at this color. So you can keep this tuna in the freezer for a year.

If tuna is kept at an inadequate temperature, it quickly oxidizes, which affects its texture and juiciness. So the restaurant keeps it fresh in this deep freezer.

Hsiao Yu-tse
Restaurant owner
We get it to minus 70 to freeze the bluefin tuna. We can store 40 heads of tuna or 10 tons. That can supply our customers for a year.

This company has a foolproof plan to handle the limited supply of bluefin, so they can make just two or three months of fishing last for a whole year.

For more Taiwan news, tune in:
Sun to Fri at 9:30 pm on Channel 152
Tue to Sat at 1 am on Channel 53

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[[餐廳業者 蕭友澤]]


[[餐廳業者 蕭友澤]]



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