
Table tennis academy teaches more than the sport

Table tennis academy teaches more than the sport


Today we take you to meet a former national team athlete who founded a table tennis academy. The academy not only teaches the sport, but also trains the brain and enhances life skills. FTV reporter Stephany Yang spoke to the founder to learn more.

Through a series of executive function tests, students are evaluated on their inhibitory control, cognitive flexibility, and working memory.

The tests are fun games and participants can receive their results within 20 minutes. This is not a psychology experiment. It’s part of a table tennis academy program in Taipei.

Hung Tsung-min
I created it because I run these kinds of studies for more than 20 years. For my study, it is so evident to show that sports training that incorporates cognitive function components into the training is very effective for all kinds of individuals especially for those who are kind of weak in their attention skills. For example, children who are attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. We have a lot of evidence to show that it is effective.

The table tennis program incorporates all three components assessed in the game. Participants will be able to learn skills, train their physical fitness, and improve their cognitive function. They will also take a test again to see their progress.

Wang I-tse
The inhibition function is a bit like when we are doing up-and-down rotation exercises because it requires controlling, waiting, and predicting. The working memory part is more like when we are running, we may need to hit a few forehands and backhands, and we need to know where to hit the ball. In the test, we have a few children whose original concentration may only be at 70% to 80%, but after the class, they improved to 100%. At this table tennis academy, we not only provide table tennis training, but we also have a comprehensive training model that ranges from brain training to life education.

The founder of this academy is Taiwanese sports professor Dr. Hung Tsung-min. He is a professor and researcher at National Taiwan Normal University. Before he started teaching, he was a national table tennis star. He was elected an international fellow of the U.S.’ National Academy of Kinesiology. The prestigious title is regarded as the Nobel Prize of the sports world. At his table tennis academy, he has implemented his long-term research results in sports cognitive neuroscience. Through customized exercise and professional training methods, he hopes to help improve the brain cognitive functions of all ages.

Hung Tsung-min
Nowadays we are facing the serious challenge of having a very low birth rate for the young children. So we need to provide some kind of training for these young kids to be able to develop their mental skills so they can be more productive for their future. For the elderly, because we are also entering a super-aging society so we need to find ways to try to maintain their cognitive function so that they can still be productive during their later lives.

Hung says racket sports have positive effects on executive functions and all aspects of the body and mind. Not only does it help improve cardiopulmonary function, coordination, and muscle strength, but it also improves executive function skills. The academy is comprised of several national players who serve as coaches. In addition to being able to play well, coaches also have to go through rigorous training to learn theory.

Hung Tsung-min
I have to find good coaches because these coaches have to not only be good in table tennis but also they have to be good at learning all the theories and all the knowledge behind the training for improving executive function. That is the most important and most difficult part. All the coaches have gone through training for three months.

Chuang Ying-i
Our courses include brainstorming courses, which are relatively rare in traditional table tennis academies. I am 68 years old. I come here at least three days a week. The school has greatly benefited my whole body and mind.

The academy hopes to not only improve their students’ table tennis game but also to enhance their executive functions so that they can lead healthy lives.

For more Taiwan news, tune in:
Sun to Fri at 9:30 pm on Channel 152
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前乒乓球國手創辦乒乓球學院 設計完整系統化的運動課程





[[創辦人 洪聰明]]
"我打造這個測試,是因為我從事這類研究已經20 多年。我的研究很明顯地表明,將認知功能納入的運動訓練,對於每個人,特別是注意力不集中的人來說,都非常有效。例如,患有過動症的兒童,我們有大量數據證明它是有效的"


[[教練 王翊澤]]


[[創辦人 洪聰明]]


[[創辦人 洪聰明]]

[[董事長 莊英逸]]



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