
Malaysian media praises Taiwan’s Muslim-friendly travel industry

Malaysian media praises Taiwan’s Muslim-friendly travel industry


A Malaysian news outlet recently named Taiwan a Muslim-friendly travel destination. It’s not just about having halal food. Hotels also have amenities especially for Muslim visitors. Taiwan has actually been catering to Muslim travelers for over a decade now, with more than 400 certified restaurants and hotels.

Generously spiced chicken sizzles on a skillet, both sounding and smelling enticing. This Indian biryani with turmeric features firm long-grain rice paired with tender chicken. Mutton curry with naan is also a classic. And all of it is halal.

Ms. Lee
Halal restaurant owner
Our beef and mutton is all imported. For the chicken, we have our own halal butcher. Halal food can’t have any alcohol in it, so we cook with only spices and natural ingredients.

A recent news report from Malaysia named Taiwan a Muslim-friendly destination. Starting in 2019, Taiwan has also been ranked in the top three on the global Muslim Travel Index for non-OIC destinations, and has been voted the most accommodating destination of the year. It earned the designation not just thanks to its halal restaurants, but also for its hotels with Muslim-friendly amenities.

In the closet there are two prayer mats for guests to use. Inside the drawer there’s also a qibla indicator showing which direction to pray. Every restroom also comes equipped with a bidet.

Ni Shao-hua
Muslim-friendly hotel manager
We think there’s huge market potential for Muslim travelers. It’s also keeping with government policy and some business exchanges. We’re honored to be recognized as both a Muslim-friendly hotel and restaurant.

Voice of Yuan Kai-chih
Tourism Administration international division deputy head
Taiwan already has over 400 restaurants and hotels that have been verified as Muslim-friendly. Most of our Muslim travelers come from Malaysia and Indonesia.

Without travelers from China, other markets like Japan, Korea, Europe, America, and Southeast Asia — including Muslim markets — are key to diversifying tourism.

For more Taiwan news, tune in:
Sun to Fri at 9:30 pm on Channel 152
Tue to Sat at 1 am on Channel 53

馬來西亞媒體:台灣"穆斯林"友善 逾400業者獲認證




[[穆斯林友善餐廳業者 李小姐]]



[[穆斯林友善認證飯店經理 倪紹華]]

[[聲源: 觀光署國際組副組長 袁愷之]]



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