
Far Eastern chair weighs in on minimum wage at shareholders’ meeting

Far Eastern chair weighs in on minimum wage at shareholders’ meeting


Far Eastern Department Stores came out with stellar results at its shareholders’ meeting on Tuesday. The company achieved earnings per share of NT$1.95 last year, and will issue a cash dividend of NT$1.6 per share. Top executives addressed issues including AI, the labor shortage, and upcoming consultations expected to raise the minimum wage by at least 3.8%.

Far Eastern Department Stores held its annual shareholders’ meeting on Tuesday. Far Eastern Group Chair Douglas Hsu and his sister Nancy Hsu took questions, addressing the labor shortage and next week’s deliberations over the minimum wage. Douglas Hsu gave his perspective.

Douglas Hsu
Far Eastern Group chair
Labor shortages are a global trend. The question is how we make up the shortfall. From where I’m standing, I can offer something nice. The higher the wage, the better. But you have to be able to afford it. The most important thing is productivity. The real question is, can your production levels support your wage levels?

Shaking off the pandemic, Far Eastern Department Stores posted earnings per share of NT$1.95 last year, and will issue a cash dividend of NT$1.6 per share. Amid the AI boom, the firm announced plans to adopt the latest technology to enhance everyday experiences.

Douglas Hsu
Far Eastern Group chair
AI is incredibly challenging, to tell the truth. It will take a great deal of effort to do AI.

Taiwan’s AI industry is at the vanguard of the world. With TSMC building plants in Tainan, Kaohsiung, and Chiayi, Far Eastern Department Stores was asked about its own potential expansion.

Nancy Hsu
Far Eastern Department Stores president
Actually we already have stores in all three of those locations, but they’re not large. Perhaps after TSMC completes its projects, and the labor market and overall market improves in the south, we will expand our presence there.

Having planted its flag at Taipei Dome, Far Eastern Group is taking aim at NT$50 billion in revenue, to challenge Shin Kong Mitsukoshi for market dominance.

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最低工資諮詢下週登場! 徐旭東:薪資當然越多越好




[[遠東集團董事長 徐旭東]]


[[遠東集團董事長 徐旭東]]


[[遠百總經理 徐雪芳]]



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