
German firms raise NT$274,500 for children with critical illnesses

German firms raise NT$274,500 for children with critical illnesses


The German Trade Office hosted a soccer tournament, bringing together 16 German companies to raise money for Make-A-Wish Foundation. The GTO German Company Charity Soccer Tournament raised NT$274,500 for children with critical illnesses. FTV reporter Stephany Yang has the details.

The Taipei Gymnasium has been transformed into an indoor soccer field. The gym echoes with loud cheers.

This is the annual GTO German Company Charity Soccer Tournament. Every time a team scores, NT$1,500 will be donated to the “Make a Wish Foundation."

Christian Peluso
Tianmu United
We did try to do some practice on a small pitch. It was different. It was not indoors. It was outdoors. We participate in a charity tournament and we feel that the main goal is to score as many goals as we can.

Patrick Kemnitz
Trumpf managing director
We are joining for the second time for this very exciting charity soccer event. We try to do our best, and most important fair play. We are company from Germany so of course we have many employees interested in playing soccer for a good purpose.

This event was organized by the German Trade Office with support from Taipei’s Department of Sports, A Star Academy, and Lumiere International Academy. Sixteen German companies in Taiwan competed in the tournament to raise funds for the Make-A-Wish Foundation Taiwan, which helps to fulfill the wishes of children battling critical illnesses between the ages of 3-18 years old.

Leonie Yang
German Trade Office Taipei head
We already do CSR Day in Taiwan for quite some time. We go to Taiwanese elementary schools and we bring them some activities to learn about Germany or some sports activities as well. Last year, we thought it would also be good to have this soccer tournament and to combine it more with all the charity aspect and really donate to the foundations here in Taiwan. This is the second year.

Flora Hsu
Make-A-Wish Foundation CEO
According to the data released by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, every year, there are approximately more than 500 new children diagnosed with childhood cancer. There are about more than 500 children with cancer alone. Then our services do not include children with cancer, and there are cancers including brain tumors, tumors, osteosarcoma, etc., as well as children with organ transplants, kidney transplants, etc. We also serve children with rare diseases.

Bosch Taiwan came in first place. Taiwan United came second, followed by the German Trade Office in third place. NT$274,500 was raised during the event. Through the soccer tournament, the German Trade Office and German companies hope to contribute to Taiwanese society.

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在台德商慈善足球友誼賽 替重症病童圓夢


德國經濟辦事處第二屆的德商慈善足球友誼賽,聚集了16 家德國公司,為許願基金會籌集資金。總共募得逾新台幣27萬4500元,並於現場交給「喜願協會」,幫助罹患重症疾病的孩子,實現他們的願望。



[[球員Christian Peluso]]

[[球員 Patrick Kemnitz ]]

活動由德國經濟辦事處主辦,由臺北市政府體育局、A Star足球潛能學院與台北五明國際學苑協辦。16家在台德國企業參加比賽,為「喜願協會」募款,幫助3至18歲罹患重症疾病的孩子,實現他們的願望。

[[德國經濟辦事處暨商務代理處長 楊海諾]]

[[喜願協會執行長 徐祥珍]]



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