
Xi says US trying to trick China into invading Taiwan

Xi says US trying to trick China into invading Taiwan


Chinese leader Xi Jinping once accused the U.S. of trying to trick China into invading Taiwan. That’s according to a Financial Times report, which cited sources familiar with the matter. It said Xi made the claim last April, during a meeting with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. Washington has denied the allegation.

Matthew Miller
US state department spokesperson
That’s certainly not accurate. We have made clear, including directly, to senior members of the Chinese government, that our “one China” policy has not changed. It will not change. And we continue to urge calm and stability across the Taiwan Strait.

John Kirby
White House national security communications adviser
It’s bogus for one. There’s absolutely no truth to it. I can’t get into Mr. Xi’s head and figure out where, who’s giving him his talking points, or where it’s coming from. It’s just not true.

Wang Liang-yu
MOFA Dept. of North American Affairs
We, the U.S., and other likeminded nations have long discussed how to maintain peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. The situation we have on hand is that one party is seeking pretexts to change the status quo. I think that the international community knows very well who is taking such actions.

U.S. officials rejected the claim that the U.S. wants China to invade Taiwan. Experts say it’s possible that Xi himself believes it, which suggests that the information being given to him is being “warped.” It’s also possible that the comment is part of China’s cognitive warfare, they say.

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習近平驚爆"美誘騙中國犯台 我不上當" 白宮打臉:假消息



[[美國務院發言人 米勒]]

[[白宮國安會發言人 柯比]]

[[外交部北美司司長 王良玉]]



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